Friday, December 25, 2009

The Christmas Eve Camp-out...

...was a success. I think it just might be the start of a new family tradition; and next year, I hope to be sleeping on one of the couches by the Christmas tree, rather than in my bed listening for Shav to wake and cry in the night (which he did at 5:44 AM last night--not that I'm keeping track or anything).

After Josiah and David settled down and fell asleep, I couldn't resist tiptoeing downstairs and snapping a picture. These precious sleeping faces...sigh...I love them.
This morning, Tobin (who slept in his own crib last night) had to check out the sleeping bags in the living room. Cutie pie. Maybe next year he'll be old enough to be "camping out" on Christmas Eve, too. :)
It's been a good day. A very good day.


Sally said...

I've just read your last several posts. How I wish our Christmas was as relaxed and wonderful as yours. How do you do it? We are all sick as can be, and with family members here from across the U.S. people trying to get together as much as possible in the two days (and sometimes couple hours) that everyone will be here--and all the cooking--I just get plum worn out! Hopefully tomorrow we can stay home and relax. That's the plan, anyway. This week has almost been in total disaster mode for me.

Misty said...

Davene, thank you so much for having us over today. It was a wonderful day and it was a privilege to be included in your family's celebration!