First, the momentous news of the day. I've achieved a significant milestone here on this blog: my 1,000th post! I still remember wondering, when I began back in January of 2007, if I would keep this up; in fact, I was fairly doubtful that I would be consistent with it. 1,000 posts later, I think it's safe to say my doubts were unfounded. :) One thing is for sure: I don't write this blog out of obligation, but only because I find it so helpful, not only in capturing moments that would otherwise slide right out of my memory, but also in sorting through thoughts and processing events. It's therapy--free, but effective, therapy. :)
One of the things that I've been doing these days (and nights!) while feeding Shav is reading back through the archives of Jolanthe's blog. I rediscovered this post in which she refers to another blog that used this verse as the verse of the month back in April of 2008. I remember being struck by this verse at the time, and today I was inspired all over again by it.

In this time of transitioning and searching for the new normal that will define our family and household, some days, including this one, feel like a one-step-forward-two-steps-back kind of dance. Can't get very far like that! When I feel impatient and discouraged, I want to remember that there is nothing wrong with small beginnings...and that I, like the Lord, can rejoice to see the work begin.
What a good reminder. And the "small beginnings" that are little people need so much help from adults to even begin. Without you, there wouldn't even be a "small beginning" for Shav, or for any of your other boys for that matter. They are still very dependent on you. Hang in there, Davene! By the way, it was great to see you all this evening. Please let me know whenever I can help you.
I love that verse - Rachel Anne always has some great verses posted each month! :)
And 1,000 posts! WOW, girl! And they aren't just fluff post either - that's amazing! :) I agree -it is CHEAP therapy!!
Hope to see you soon!
This is lovely, Davene. And congratulations on your 1,000th post! What a milestone!
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