Friday, October 22, 2010

It's a Good Night When...

...someone calls to ask forgiveness for a long-ago wrong done to you. read a beloved Robert Frost poem and are reminded of the power and beauty of words.

...your two oldest sons are close enough, in their respective beds, to the edge that you can lean over and kiss them when you check on them in the middle of the night.  Because one goodnight kiss just isn't enough.

Last night was a night like that.


It's also a good night when...

...friends gather in your home to share food, sing songs of praise together, and learn from the Bible.  And if a friendly argument discussion breaks out about miracles and sovereignty and death and Peter's deliverance from prison, that's OK, too.

...your sons sit in a room with their three surviving grandparents, all of whom love the Lord and are faithfully following Him.  And you think to yourself, "Wow.  How rare is this!  How blessed my boys are to see such examples of Godly devotion in the lives of three people who are so important to them."

...your youngest son is apparently so inspired by the lively conversation that he begins to cruise, holding first onto your shoulders as you sit on the floor, then onto the bookshelf.  His steps are baby steps, but to you they seem HUGE.

...late at night, you feel your frustration begin to rise, so you take a small metal bucket and head to the garden to pick basil by the light of the full moon.  There's a good chance of frost tonight, after all; and you wouldn't want to lose the last few precious leaves of your favorite herb.  And there in the garden, as you watch a bunny rabbit hop away into the darkness and as the chill in the air reddens your cheeks, such a sense of peace washes over you that by the time you re-enter your house, your frustration is gone.  And you realize anew the whisper that came to you in the night air...

...God is everywhere.

Tonight was a night like that.


jeanette said...

I love nights like that. :) sounds like you had an amazingly blessed one.

bekahcubed said...

What a blessing! That does sound like a good night. I love when others share the good nights--'cause reading them helps me to have good mornings. Thanks, Davene!

Liberty Woods said...

You are so poetic!