...is the book 10 Days to a Less Distracted Child by Jeffrey Bernstein. I've got it here beside me as I type, and I'm actually looking forward to Shav waking in the night to nurse so that I can start reading it then. :) If the book is all it's promoted to be, by September 21, I should have this dearly beloved, but often distracted, child of mine all figured out, right? :)
He can be such a charmer; but what a puzzle for me to figure out how to inspire and motivate him, how to lead and guide him, how to shepherd his little heart! As often as I scratch my head and think, "How in the world am I supposed to effectively parent him?" I also find myself throwing my head back and laughing at his latest comment or action. Today, for example, David came upstairs from the library where he was having quiet time because he just HAD to show me what he was up to. Apparently, he's gotten the idea that not only does a policeman carry a walkie-talkie on his belt (or on the elastic waist of his sweatpants, if he doesn't happen to be wearing a belt)...
Ha so cute!!!! I love the pictures Davene :)
Cute little guy!
I've actually read 10 Days to a Less Distracted Child and found it extremely helpful! Loads of great advice.
Could your write a review of the book if you find time? Sounds good. I'm amazed that you can read and type and nurse! God Bless You
Love it, the wonderful world of boys. His excitement and joy are contagious! :)
Sometimes I find it so hard to get enthusiastic about the world of boys -- it's all weapons, fighting, monsters and cars! I do try to veer him off towards Bob the Builder and suchlike, but there's always a tendancy for him to want the others. And clothes -- army, monster, car -- so much of it is UGLY! (Whereas the girly stuff is pretty and cute.) I guess I have to give him latitude to display his own preferences, but sometimes it's difficult to be enthusiastic!
He is so cute! The book sounds good--you know you're a reader when you hope/look forward to midnight feedings so you can get some reading-time in. Sounds like me! Anyhow, let us know how you like the book!
This makes me smile. Remember when we would come to your house, and Kirk could find weapons that you didn't know you had? That's the first thing he would look for, and I always felt so awkward, because I knew that wasn't your favorite. And there was one plastic knife (like a pirate type that maybe came in a kids meal somewhere) that he could find no matter where it was.
Just taking a walk down memory lane...
Oh my goodness, that is CUTE. I love the way our little people think - it's so creative! Also look forward to hearing your thoughts about the book.
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