I don't feel any sort of guilt about taking a few days away from the blog, but my only regret comes from the preciousness of the moments that have passed without me capturing them in any way. So let me grab hold of a few thoughts now before they drift away...
Besides taking time off from the blog, I also took time off from FlyLady. Yesterday and today, however, I did dust her off (figuratively, of course!) and did a few things: one of Kelly's Missions, some decluttering, etc. Actually, Jeff is the member of our household who gets the prize for decluttering last night since he sat here in our library and pulled book after book after book off the shelf for us to donate to Gift & Thrift. We are both addicted to books, and giving books away is about as easy for us as pulling teeth. But really, we don't need this many books! I was so inspired by him. :)
In other news, I've added a book to my "Books Beside My Rocking Chair" category; and I expect that book will be listed there for quite some time. The book is Voices of the Faithful, a daily devotional that includes short writings from missionaries serving all over the world. The thing I appreciate most about this book is that when I read it, I can be assured that at least once a day, my thoughts will be lifted from the daily grind of my life and will soar in the air to encompass a much larger perspective on what is going on in the church throughout the world. It is so easy to let my thinking become narrow and dull--sort of like standing in the Sistine Chapel and keeping my eyes glued to a speck of dust on the floor rather than absorbing the magnificence around me. I need reminders like Voices of the Faithful to keep me alert to God's hand at work in the world today.
And speaking of that, I heard an outstanding message this morning when the church gathered for worship and fellowship. Our speaker was James Krabill, and he spoke on "What in the world is God up to anyway?" Sometimes it seems that because I've basically lived my life as part of the church, I don't often get to experience learning brand new lessons from the Bible. I don't want to be misunderstood: first, I am hugely grateful for my Christian upbringing and wouldn't trade it for anything...and secondly, it is right and good to be reminded of the things I've learned previously. Everything doesn't need to be brand new to be valuable. Even Peter and Paul wrote about the value of repetition (2 Peter 1:12-13, Philippians 3:1, 2 Timothy 2:14). However, it is a joyous thing to see the Biblical text with new eyes and receive new insight into the depths of its meaning.
This morning, James Krabill talked about Paul's experience with planting the church in Philippi, specifically what a odd mix of believers were left in that city after Paul's first visit there; he painted word pictures and connected various parts of the Bible and dramatized the situation there in a way that I had never seen or considered. Logically, it made no sense at all that the church there grew and thrived. Logically, it didn't make much sense that the church grew and thrived anywhere! :) But it did...and it does today...and the Spirit of God is at work all over the world in powerful and exciting ways.
During another part of the service, Jeff was asked to come and stand in the middle of the congregation, and the whole church gathered around him, laying hands on him as Joe, one of the pastors, had a sending prayer for his Israel trip. Very special, very moving.
Well, the last thing I'll include tonight in this random collection of thoughts is a pictorial glimpse into last week's Vacation Bible School...
So many interesting thoughts in your post, Davene -- I know what you mean about missing out on memories if you miss out on blogging. It's my diary, in a way. I love to hear about the bug safari (what a great idea for kids at church), and how wonderful to raise money for bees overseas! I'm also a Flylady afficionado -- she really has made things easier for me, and my morning routine is my touchstone. Some days I don't do the missions, but I try to have one hour a week for dusting, mirrors, doors, bins and floors, and hopefully 15 minutes of something extra. It means my house feels under control. Oh, and I LOVE your new header -- it's beautiful.
Ooh, I hate letting go of books too. I can see them on the Goodwill shelves, lonely and forlorn, collecting dust. They are much more appreciated in my house, collecting dust ;}
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