Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Last Thing I Do...

...before sinking gratefully into my bed each night is go to each of my boys to watch them in their sleep and perhaps lay my hand gently on them to feel the rise and fall of their breathing. It is a moment of supreme peace--possibly the single best moment of the day--and my heart wells up with love and gratitude and an awareness of how incredibly rich I am.

At these times, it's easy to identify with Robert Browning's lines in Pippa Passes:

God's in His heaven -
All's right with the world!


Anonymous said...

I do the same thing!


Sally said...

It is rare that I don't look in at our children just before going to bed...and feel them, or kiss them, or pull up the cover. I just love seeing them peacefully sleeping! I wonder if all parents do that.

Kristen said...

It must be something that many parents do...I almost always touch Kaylee in some way to feel her breath. I sometimes stand there until I feel that I am going to watch her awake because I love to watch her peacefully sleeping!

Unknown said...

Such peaceful angels when asleep: darling devils when awake!

Mamajil said...

I do this too!! When I had Ramsey and was having spinal headaches and couldn't get up I had my husband go room to room and give me an update on each of our sleepy heads....I just had to know they were all well and asleep!