Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Littlest Farmer

This is a farm toy that my parents bought years ago, in preparation (if my memory is correct) for Josiah's first visit to their home (he was about 6 months old at the time, and we lived in California). Josiah enjoyed it...David enjoyed it after we moved back from Israel (he was about 5 months old when we arrived in Virginia)...and now it's Tobin's turn. I carried it up from its resting place in the basement of my dad's office and put Tobin in it this evening where he spent some time, enjoying being upright and able to look around at everything. I'm sure he will get much use out of it in the days (and months) to come!
I just had to look back in my picture archives to see if I have a photo of David in this toy; and sure enough, I do. The picture below was taken in September 2005 during our first morning here at home in Virginia after our move. Do you think Tobin looks like David? Sometimes I think he does, but other times I see Josiah in him. Well, speaking of Josiah......I love this picture of a just-awake, excited-to-play-with-David's-toys, 3 year-old Josiah with a great case of bedhead. :)
I'd say my parents have gotten their money's worth out of this toy! :)


Lisa said...

Look how cute David looked! AND now Tobin. Great memories.;-)

Ceci said...

Love that toy. It has so many fun things to do on it. Hours of entertainment. Even Sydney would love it. :-)