Friday, July 11, 2008

Day Nine - With a Lot of Help from My Friends

I didn't hear from Jeff today so no update from him... But two things are heavily on my mind tonight.

First, I continue to be amazed at how supportive so many of our friends have been of me and the boys during this time. This morning, for example, the Sacra family kept all three boys for me so that I could have a morning off; then when I returned to their house to gather my flock, they fed us all a picnic lunch outside under their willow tree. I loved my alone time (and the boys loved their time with the Sacras)! I went to Gift & Thrift (twice in one week is quite the exciting splurge) where I was able to actually go in the dressing room and try on some things for myself. :) Then I went by the barbershop and had fun chatting with the women there...and I even happened to see Chris and Houston there, too. After that, I came home and had some time to spend on the computer, organizing my digital pictures. It was a wonderful time of refreshment for me, and I'm so very grateful for the Sacras' willingness--even eagerness--to do this. I'm very conscious of the people who are "holding up my arms" during this time.

Second, the ambulance came and took our neighbor girl Marlene to the hospital tonight. When Douglas and Wilma couldn't reach their doctor right away, they called Dad (it's good to live next to a country doctor!); and he examined Marlene who wasn't responding appropriately. They made the decision to call the rescue squad to have her transferred to the hospital for evaluation. Marlene has been fighting a sinus infection which could possibly have progressed to meningitis or even a brain abscess, but we're not sure at all at this point. My heart is so heavy as I think of her.

No new pictures tonight, just two Israel pics from April 25, 2005.
~ David (8 days old) and I at the Jerusalem Wall Restaurant, my favorite (ever since Abu Shanab's closed down) restaurant in the Old City
~ my mother and Josiah


Misty said...

Thank God for wonderful friends! I pray that your neighbor's girl is doing well! Keep us updated.

Unknown said...

What caring friends you have -- how nice to hear that you are being looked after. By the way, I love your new header.

Marie said...

I am so happy you got a morning to yourself! What fun! And what excellent friends!!!

I will keep your neighbor in my prayers also.

jeanette said...

what a blessing to have such great friends! I hope your neighbor is OK. Will pray for her.