Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tobin Bear

This little charmer continues to be one of the brightest spots in my life these days. I just smile when I think of him...I can't help it...the smile just comes...a deep, genuine, thank-You-God-for-this-boy smile that changes my perspective on everything.

While Jeff was gone, I was thinking that I was so grateful to have Tobin during his daddy's absence. Rather than Tobin creating more work for me, he actually helped the days to go much better because when I would take the time to really look at him and consider him, I could practically hear the whoosh of endorphins being released to fill my whole body with their feel-good powers. In the midst of the stress and pressure of being the only parent on the scene, Tobin brought moments of peace to me, to us all, I think...and continues to be a spot of joy in the lives of those with whom he interacts.

I can't say it enough: he's an undeserved treasure, straight from God's hand to us.


Julie said...

He is SOOO cute! Thank you for sharing these sweet pictures. That smile is just precious. I know all about the endorphins, because Mairi has just started "gracing" me with her toothless smiles and coos, and I laugh out loud. It is too dear!!!

Unknown said...

He is a plump, happy, shiny little bear! Delightful. You are a lucky lady.

JFisher777 said...

I guess you took the kids to a photographer?

New Mom said...

What adorable pictures! He is getting so big!

jeanette said...

that is the sweetest little smile!

Margie said...

These are GREAT pictures! I have some catch-up reading to do, and can't wait to see what's been going on.

Anonymous said...

How cute!! He is getting so big already.

Emily Joy said...

Tobin is the cutest thing since Peanut Butter!
God bless you!

Davene said...

Thanks, everyone, for your sweet comments!

Jeff made my day by asking whether I had taken the kids to the photographer. :) Nope, I didn't...I took the pics myself; and if they're any good, it's all due to Lisa and her photography tips (and the book she referred me to by Nick Kelsh). THANKS, LISA!!! I look forward to continuing to learn and grow in this area.

Lisa said...

Davene---I'm impressed! You did an amazing job!!! Isn't that book the best??!!

I can't wait to see more of your "work!"

Sally said...

Fantastic pictures, Davene! You do an excellent job! How do you get the little ones to cooperate and look at the camera? That is 3/4 my battle, especially with a posed picture. (Paul will make Calvin faces--Calvin & Hobbes.) Anyway, I like the last one the best.

Davene said...

Sally, I guess my boys are so used to me taking pictures of them that they don't fight me on it anymore. (In fact, they--especially Josiah--will sometimes ask me to take pictures of them doing something completely ordinary..."here, Mom, I'm eating breakfast; take a picture!"...I've got them brainwashed.) :)

Seriously though, I get my share of boys looking away, having forced grins or other silly looks, etc. That's where the beauty of a digital camera comes in because I can just keep shooting and, sooner or later, they have a nice smile or otherwise pleasant look. Back in the days of film, I could never "waste" 50 exposures on pictures of Tobin on a blanket on the floor by the bathroom window. With digital, I can. Isn't it grand? :)

I'm sure Paul will get easier to photograph as he gets a little older. It's a stage, just like so many other phases of life, I think! And you know, someday you'll probably be glad to see those goofy pictures of his Calvin faces. :)