Thursday, February 19, 2009

18 Weeks...

My belly at 18 weeks, 4 days...

I don't feel very wordy today, and I have no soapbox on which to climb. This will be a brief update--quite a change of pace for me. :) Actually, my heart and mind are so full of other stuff that thoughts of this pregnancy just bring a quiet, simple, peaceful joy--one which I, for today, want to hold close to me rather than shouting it from the rooftops.

I continue to feel good for the most part, and I'm so grateful for that. I keep thinking to myself, "When is the hard stuff going to kick in? Bad back pain? Feeling completely clumsy? Painful Braxton Hicks contractions?" Because at this point, I'm not having any of that. I thought by now, I would have to drag out the huge old beloved beast of a maternity pillow that saved my back during Tobin's pregnancy; but so far I haven't needed it so it remains tucked away in our hall closet, waiting for another day.

Next week is our ultrasound which I'm anticipating very much, but with a different sort of excitement than I had with the other pregnancies. Since we hope the question of gender will remain hidden, there hasn't been such a build-up to this ultrasound. But I still long for the opportunity to have a glimpse of our littlest one and, especially, for Josiah and David to see The New Baby.

I like the picture in my pregnancy ticker this week so much that I'm duplicating it here so that in the future, when I print this segment of my blog into a book, I'll have a record of it.

The golden days of pregnancy continue...


Lisa said...

You look like you put a basketball under your sweater!! SO ADORABLE!!!

I miss your soapbox.;-)

FlyingCats said...

What a beautiful little belly! I hope you're having a girl!

Margie said...

What a lovely picture of the baby. When we saw Sarah at that age, she was sucking her thumb, too. I can't wait to hear how next week goes.

I do want to thank you for your comment. I got kind of weepy and thought, "I could live in Virginia!" Thank you for your support and encouragement, Davene.

Elizabeth said...

Such a cute little tummy :) And I am so excited for you all.

Heart of Wisdom Academy said...

So cute!!! I wish I was as diligent about following my pregnancies. At the time I just wanted them to be over and never remember them again. It is nice to have a record every week and to see how the belly grows. It's so exciting following your pregnancy. I followed your whole pregnancy with Tobin. Why does it seem like in other people the time goes by soooo fast! Weren't you just telling us you were pregnant? God Bless You.