Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Riven Rock

This is going to be a short post tonight. By that, I mean only a few words; I know the pictures make it seem long, but really it is a short post. I'm doing this for you, Carol, so it won't take you as long to read you'll have more time to read Amy's (as of yet, nonexistent, but hopefully coming soon) blog. ;)

One of the great summer traditions of our church is an outing to Riven Rock, an absolutely gorgeous park near here. Every time we go (either with the church or just our family), I'm astounded at the beauty. The river, the trees, the rocks--all of it are simply magnificent in my eyes.

This evening was the church outing; and despite a little rain, a number of people showed up and we had a great time. Down by the water, I couldn't resist taking a picture of the curve of the river with all the huge trees next to it.
The only thing that could make the picture more attractive would be to put a child in it, so I called Josiah to come over and pose for me on one of the rocks sticking out of the water. He pretended that it was a throne and started to sit...
...but before he got himself used to sitting in the cold mountain water, Joelle and Lauren came over to be in the picture, too. This was just getting better and better!
Then a larger group gathered: Austin, Katherine, Holly, Josiah, Joelle, Zachary, Lauren, and Jessica.
Austin left and David came along and got snagged by Katherine to be in the picture, too.
What beautiful/handsome kids! How thankful I am that my boys have them as friends!

Meanwhile, Jeff let squirmy Tobin (who did not want to stay in someone's arms but wanted to get down) sit by the water's edge. You'd think the cold temperature of the water would have bothered Tobin Bear, but it didn't seem to at all. I love how he's looking at Jeff in this picture...
...and how he's looking at me in this one. Little sweetheart.
One last picture to include tonight, and this one is especially for my phantom readers, Donna, Carol, and Amy--although she occasionally leaves a comment, especially when a prize is involved. :) (Actually, I'm immensely honored that they even take the time to read my blog and know us as a family in this way; it's truly a gift to me.) Jeff waded out a little further into the water to snap this picture of the sensible adults who weren't too interested in getting any closer to the cold water...yep, we were the smart ones. Meanwhile, Tobin looks like a poor abandoned waif, left all alone by the water. The poor little thing. :)


Amy said...

You will be proud to know that I have joined the group!! Last night, Lana got so excited that she kept coming up with names for my blog! So, now I have one--now what?? I do have some blogger questions for you.

It was a great evening--cold-but great.

Emily Joy said...

Oh I wish I could have been there! But it was Kate's last night before Israel, so we decided to stay at home :)

~Emily Joy

maureen said...

Hi Davene!

Thank you for the info on your friend's photo site. Where is she located? I'm in Lancaster.


Davene said...


She's in the Harrisburg area; her husband actually works in Lancaster!

If you have any more questions, feel free to send me an email at

This would be really exciting if it worked out for you all to connect!!! :)