Sunday, October 25, 2009

Simple Sunday - Sunshine You Can Touch

~ thankful for the splendor of fall foliage...yesterday the temperature reached a beautiful 77 degrees, and it hardly felt like fall; but driving around on nearby roads, we noticed how stunning the trees have become...this is a gorgeous time of year in our corner of Virginia, and every year I am awed by the majestic transformation the trees undergo...I'm thankful that for the past five years, we have lived here and had the privilege of viewing this incredible costume change designed by God and put on by nature
You crown the year with your bounty.
~ Psalm 65:11
What a spectacular crown this tree, here in our own yard, is wearing; it's as if a piece of sunshine has fallen from the sky and lodged itself by the corner of our house!


Anonymous said...

Your math is worse than your grammar. If you have been back here 5 years, then your second son should be a 5 year old. He was a babe in arms when you came back here. I think that 4 would be more correct.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, you are experiencing the 5th autumn here. So you are partly correct.


Davene said...

Your second thought is what I was thinking...

1. 2005
2. 2006
3. 2007
4. 2008
5. 2009

It hasn't been 5 full years, but it's been 5 autumns. :)

Valerie said...

One thing I miss about the East Coast is the beautiful colors of fall. Tx doesn't seem to have that - not yet anyway.

Your Dad made me laugh. Thanks Davene's Dad, I like ending my day with a laugh. :)

jeanette said...

what a beautiful picture!! I wish our Fall's had such beautiful foliage colors. :)