I love the sense of accomplishment that comes from finishing a task and crossing it off my list! :)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Anti-procrastination, Day Three
I love the sense of accomplishment that comes from finishing a task and crossing it off my list! :)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Anti-procrastination, Day Two
Despite being gone so much, I did accomplish two things on my anti-procrastination list. The first thing was easy, since it needed to be done at the library. Ever since we moved back here and started going to the library regularly, I have been wanting to ask a librarian about the process of finding certain books. Every time we go, I just browse on the shelves and never have a hard time finding great books to bring home to read to the boys; but I didn't know how to find specific ones that I might be looking for. In the olden days, when I was just a girl and was going to the very same library, there was a huge cabinet with a file system for the card catalog; and I understood that way of looking up books! But I didn't know the new system.
So today, I asked one of the very friendly librarians (whom I actually recognize from when I went to the library as a child...there are at least three women that work in the library now that I recognize from long ago!) to show me the system, and she was very glad to do so! It's a very simple, easy computer system; and I don't know why I waited so long to ask for help about it. (I always think that about anti-procrastinating projects..."Why did I wait so long to do this??? Silly me!") I'm excited to be able to look for certain books now, especially ones that I may want to use in Learning Time with Josiah.
The second thing I "anti-procrastinated" about was my refrigerator. Every year after we receive Christmas cards, I always take off the old pictures I've posted on the frig, and replace them with the new batch. Well, it's almost the end of February, and I still had not done that project which should have been done the first week of January! I actually started working a bit on it yesterday, but tonight I finished that and am so happy to have that done! It's so much fun to look on the frig and see the smiling faces of our dear friends. It's a wonderful way to remember them all through the year!
I also got to put up on the refrigerator the Mary Engelbreit magnets that Jeff gave me for Christmas. I love Mary Engelbreit magnets and had put that on my Christmas list. :) Jeff gave me an abundant number of them for Christmas, and I'm delighted to see them on my frig--a happy reminder of my mother, who shares my love of Mary Engelbreit magnets, and of my beloved husband.
Monday, February 26, 2007
What Jokers!
National Day of Power Struggles?
Anti-procrastination, Day One
As I sat down to make a list of things that I could accomplish here in my anti-procrastination week, I very easily came up with 11 items. And I'm sure if I think a few more minutes, I'll come up with a dozen more! But I've got enough ideas to get me started.
So far today, I have...
1. written in a journal that Jeff and I use to write special letters back and forth to each other--it's a guided journal with leading questions written by Dennis & Barbara Rainey--the last time I wrote in it, I'm ashamed to say, was January 24, 2006!
2. cleaned my microwave, inside and out--this should have been done months and months ago--just ask Vicky who encountered my very dirty microwave when she was babysitting one time, and was assured by Josiah that it's OK, that's how it always is! :)
I have also been working on laundry (normal Monday job) and have done Learning Time with Josiah. It's been a great day so far, helped by the fact that David has taken a nice long nap. His sickness has made him extra tired, and I've enjoyed the extra time to get things done.
I'm addicted to productivity. I can't wait to go anti-procrastinate some more! :)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My Deepest Desire
To give some background, my greatest fear in life (way bigger than my fear of snakes, dying, a loved one dying, or anything else) is that my children will choose to walk away from God and not make it to heaven. A daily prayer of mine is that we will all make it to heaven so we can be with God and each other forever. I know this prayer and this fervent desire of my heart is shared by so many other parents; I'm not original at all in this!
Sometimes I take this too far though, and almost feel paralyzed by it. The anxiety about the spiritual well-being of my children can be a crushing burden, making me over-critical (towards my children and myself), over-analytical, and most of all missing out on the joy of living each day as it comes, trusting God for the outcome of my children's lives.
The devotional I read last night started with a story by Gigi Graham Tchividjian about her prodigal son. This line in particular caught my attention: "I wasn't prepared for a prodigal. I never imagined I would one night lie in bed, wondering where my son was. But once you love, you are never free again, and the Lord caused this heartbreaking situation to teach me many things."
I do love...so I'm not free...I will always be bound by cords of love stronger than I can even fathom, tied inextricably to the well-being and destiny of my children, and the choices they make that affect their well-being and destiny.
In the past, I have at times prayed, "God, if You know that my children would grow up to not follow You, then please just close my womb and don't give me any, because I can't bear the pain of them walking away from You." But then I had kids, so my prayer changed to, "God, if You know that I, as a mother, would hinder my children's spiritual health, please let me die so that they can be raised by another who could help them more than I. God, do anything, just please let them make it to heaven."
These words from Dr. Dobson resonated within my soul: "Parenthood is one of the greatest blessings in life--yet it can also bring on the greatest anguish. Can anything compare to the pain of watching beloved daughters or sons walk away, turning their backs on the love, values, and faith you have so carefully nurtured over many years? Is there a higher torment than seeing your precious children suffer or needlessly abuse themselves? Far too many mothers and fathers wake up to this agonizing reality, and you have my utmost sympathy if you are facing this situation tonight. Nearly as distressing for many moms and dads is the fear that they will lose their children as we have just described. These parents are tortured daily by doubt and guilt. They ask themselves: Do I know what I'm doing? Am I turning my children into monsters? Have I doomed them to eternal damnation by the mistakes I've already made?"
I can relate to that!
Another thing that swirls through my mind is how I've seen so many other families "lose" one or more of their children, as the children choose to ignore their Godly upbringing and live a worldly life. I think of so many examples: 1 out of 3 children following God in one family I know, 2 out of 3 in another, 2 out of 4, 1 out of 4, etc. How many families do I know in which all the grown children are zealously pursuing their relationship with God as the most important thing in their life? Not many. But with my own children, I don't want a percentage of them to follow God. I'm not willing to sacrifice any of them to the devil. I want them ALL (present and future children) to be in heaven someday.
(As I'm typing this, the song, "Home Free" by Wayne Watson just came on...what a tear-jerker! I could cry simply from hearing this song...I could also cry simply from thinking about how much I love my children. The combination is too much!) :)
Of course, the conclusion I must come to is that 1) God loves my children even more than I do and is working even harder (and more effectively) than I to ensure that they choose Him, and 2) in the end, it it my children's choice, and I cannot make it for them.
More words from Dr. Dobson that comfort me: "The self-doubt that plagues so many parents today is largely a cultural phenomenon. If you are among these parents, we suggest you turn away from the world's whispers and focus on the comfort and truth that come from our heavenly Father, 'Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.' (Psalm 55:22) You can no more be a perfect parent than you can be a perfect human being. Lean on the Lord to make up the difference--and don't let anxiety and guilt steal the joy of parenting."
God's Smuggler
"I Couldn't NOT Help Them"
Dad called this morning to tell us our mailbox had been knocked down, perhaps by a snow plow, so Jeff went across the road where our mailbox is to fix it. He tried to screw it back into the post, but when that didn't work, resorted to nailing it in--mission accomplished. He also saw that the mailbox of our neighbor who lives across the road had been knocked off (our mailboxes share a post) and had actually been more damaged than ours. So Jeff set to work fixing it for them and got it back on the post and ready to receive mail.
I was so impressed that he had taken the extra time and effort to put their mailbox up; and when I told him that, he said, "I COULDN'T just fix ours and not fix theirs, too." Oh!...you couldn't?...a lot of people could have and would have...people in this world of ours don't always take the time to lend a helping hand...most don't really love their neighbor as themselves.
Anyway, good for you, Schmu (yeah, cute nickname, huh? for those of you reading along, that's one of my nicknames for Jeff)...you've really impressed me today with your heart to serve!
Friday, February 23, 2007
The Sand Ceremony
Family at the Wedding
The Wedding
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Happy Moment
Home Sweet Home
We arrived home safely last night, around 10:00 pm, tired, sick (both Josiah and David got sick during our trip)...but very glad to have gone on the trip and very glad to be home. I always feel that it's great to go...and great to come home again!
The flight went wonderfully--even better than the flight to California. From fellow travelers, we received so many compliments on the boys' behavior, and that's such an encouragement to parents!
Today was a day of trying to unpack, catch up, and get adjusted to "normal" life again. My efforts to do so were hampered by David who, when he was awake, wanted nothing more than for me to hold him because he wasn't feeling well. We did a lot of reading and cuddling today! Maybe I'll make faster progress tomorrow...but then again, who knows what tomorrow will hold? And today was a day to treasure! :)
Monday, February 19, 2007
Riding in Style
Saturday, February 17, 2007
In the Jacuzzi
Sleeping in a Hurricane
Friday, February 16, 2007
Logan's First Haircut
Josiah and Sebastian
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Shopping Cart Etiquette
Feels Like Home
We're Here!
Monday, February 12, 2007
California Dreamin'
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Bigger than Me
My latest reminder of this came in the form of a CD, Hiding Place, by a group named Selah. On the CD, they record the song By and By (better known in my circle as Trials Dark on Every Hand or When the Morning Comes or Lauren Westbrook's favorite song). Here is what was written by one of the members of Selah in the program notes for the recording on the CD...
In 1948 my grandfather Laban and grandmother Marcella started the mission
station of Nkara-Ewa. This is where Nicol and I grew up in Congo, Africa. So
many people were coming to know Jesus as their Savior that the Belgian
government outlawed baptism for two years. They thought the people were excited
and didn't know what they were doing. My grandparents continued to disciple and
share the gospel during those two years. The recording you're hearing is of my
grandfather in our lake on the first day he was allowed to baptize. The Belgian
government didn't realize how real Jesus was to the Congolese, because on this
day over 1,000 people were baptised. In the background you can hear my
grandmother and the Congolese singing the old hymn "We'll Understand It Better
By and By" which she and my father Jim translated into Kituba.
Reading that...thinking about faithful servants of God moving to Congo years and years ago...imagining the crowd of people eager to be baptized because Jesus was so real to them...hearing their voices...it all lifted my mind yesterday from my miniscule corner of the world and corner of time to realize how huge--gigantic--enormous God is. There literally aren't enough words to describe it.
My favorite line in that old hymn is this: All the saints of our God are gathering home; we will tell the stories of how we've overcome... I always picture sitting around with a bunch of people drinking hot chocolate with peppermint flavoring or some other heavenly drink and sharing our "war stories"..."yeah, I lived during the last days of the Roman empire; and I only had a few days to live after I became a Christian; the Romans fed me to the lions and laughed as I died; but I rejoiced at the opportunity to see my Lord face to face so soon after first hearing of Him"..."I lived in the USA at a time of great prosperity, and Satan tried to use that to make me complacent and focused on earthly things; but I fought him off and eagerly looked forward to heaven; and I turned his tricks around--I used all that prosperity to feed the hungry and share the Gospel with those in other parts of the world who had never even heard about Jesus"..."well, I was one of those who had never heard about Jesus--until a man with skin so white it blinded my eyes came to my country of Congo and told me about Him; and when I was baptized, about 1,000 other people were with me"... Can you imagine??? How incredible that will be!
I know oftentimes here on earth, when we hear other's stories of great victories, it makes us feel like losers, as we compare ourselves to them and judge ourselves to be less. But in heaven, all the insecurity and pride and jealousy and comparison will be stripped away, leaving simple pure rejoicing in the triumphs of every single one of heaven's inhabitants against our old enemy Satan. I can hardly wait!!!
Functional Beauty
One tiny part of God's body gathered in our home today for fellowship, worship, and encouragement; and I used this bowl for the apple salad I made for our lunch together. As I was putting it away this evening, I asked Jeff, "If this bowl was a person, who would it be?" He thought of the bowl as Mexican sunshine, so his answer was Maggie Arellano--an excellent choice--but I was thinking of the colors of Italy, and that brought to mind Charlene Lisi with her beautiful home with its rich shades of color and its continual warm welcome. I wonder...if I was a bowl, what would I look like?
David's First Chocolate Milkshake
Saturday, February 10, 2007
What a Difference a Year Makes
And that got me thinking about Josiah... A year ago, we were in the very final stages of potty training with him--only, at the time, I didn't realize they were the very final stages, and I envisioned his potty training stretching on into infinity. His big hold-up was a real reluctance to poop on the potty, and what a celebration we had when that hurdle was overcome! Anyone who was here that night for our home fellowship/potluck probably still remembers Josiah coming out of the bathroom, running into the living room, and exclaiming loudly, "I went kaka on the potty! Now I get a train!!!" We were all rejoicing that night! And now here we are a year later with those moments simply a distant memory for us, and our present reality in the day-to-day of life is full of new challenges and new joys. Isn't growth great?
Further Insight into the Mind of My Son
Before we left the house to go grocery shopping yesterday morning, the boys were with me in the upstairs bathroom where we were brushing teeth, doing hair, etc. David, being curious, peered over the edge of the toilet into the water below until Josiah said, "David, don't touch that water. It will kill you!" A lightbulb went on in my head, and I asked Josiah, "When you fell in the potty a few days ago, did you think you would die from that?" He replied affirmatively; and when I asked him why he thought that, he said that he had heard someone say that the water in a toilet would kill a person! Well...now I get it...no wonder he was so scared on that day!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Learning Time Letters
Makes Sense to Me!
First, he thinks that stoplights should be called stoplights when the light is red...but when the light is green, he calls them go-lights. Makes sense to me!
Second, he knows what shortcuts are, but he also thinks we should use the word longcuts to mean the long way around. On Tuesday morning, we were visiting my great-aunt Lorraine at a retirement home near here, the same place where we went Christmas caroling in December. When we went caroling, we took a very circuitous route through the building, visiting all the different floors and wings of the floors...but when we visited Aunt Lorraine, we went directly to and from her room. As we were leaving, Josiah asked if we could take the longcut through the building. Makes sense to me! :)
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Scenes from a Snowy Day
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
A Man of His Word
Josiah discovered this Labyrinth game in our closet today; and when I told him that Grandpa used to play it a lot, Josiah got really excited about showing it to Grandpa and playing it with him. When my parents came up for dinner this evening, Josiah brought up the subject of playing it together; but after dinner, my parents had to go to a farm for milk (we drink raw milk straight from the farm--it's delicious--my favorite drink in the world!) and so Grandpa couldn't play with Josiah then. After they returned from getting milk, it was cold, dark, and snowing; and I felt sure that Grandpa was anxious to get back to his house; but he said, "After I drive the truck down to our house, I'll walk back up and play Labyrinth with Josiah." I told him he didn't need to worry about it; I could explain to Josiah that Grandpa needed to go and would play with him another time. But my faithful-to-his-promises dad said, "No, I told him I would play with him, so I'm going to do it." And then he came back up to our house through the cold and snow, just to keep his word to a four year-old boy. I admire that so much. Thanks, Dad!
Information Overload
Isn't that amazing? I often wish I had more time so that I could just LEARN more stuff...I feel so uninformed in so many ways. Maybe when someone invents time travel, I'll zoom back to the seventeenth century to catch up!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Uncherished Moments
This morning I was reading a mommy journal that I follow regularly, and I read this:
Every now and then, I look at my family and realize, with heart-stopping
clarity, "This is beyond phenomenal." And then I get caught up in something
distracting — the fact that Anna's shoes are too small, or that the dishwasher
isn't actually getting things clean anymore. Life churns on, uncherished moments
fluttering behind us like confetti.
Just then, I heard Josiah screaming--literally, at the top of his lungs. I don't know if I've ever heard him scream like that so loud for so long. I ran up the steps to check on him, heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, wondering what on earth was wrong. I knew it must be something absolutely dreadful. Was there a snake in the house? Had Josiah had an aneurysm? Had someone with a gun broken into our house? I could not imagine what it was.
I found Josiah in the bathroom, standing on the stool in front of the toilet, with the back of his shirt wet, still shrieking away. I assumed that he had tried to get to the bathroom in time but had not succeeded so had wet his pants. I wasn't sure why the back of his shirt was so wet, but I didn't have time to figure it all out. I tried to calm him and take his clothes off while he was yelling over and over, "I don't LIKE being wet!"
It took a while to decipher the sequence of events, but apparently the seat of the toilet had been up, so when Josiah tried to sit down...he fell in! As I write this, I cannot stop laughing; but it was anything but funny at the moment. He was in such a panic; and although I can't get inside his head, I wonder what he was thinking as he slipped down into the water. My poor Josiah! Anyway, the wetness of the back of his shirt was not from him not making it to the bathroom in time, just from the wrong placement of a toilet seat.
By the way, if anyone is reading this, please NEVER mention this to Josiah!!! I have not talked with him further about it today. He hasn't brought it up, so I've let it drop. So please, please do not embarrass him with this! :)
After I got Josiah cleaned up and in dry clothes, I came back to the computer and finished reading about uncherished moments--and thought, "Yep, one of these days I'm not going to have a little boy falling in the toilet anymore, so I'd better be grateful for it while it lasts!" :)
To Help Us Appreciate Winter
Tis the Season
It was 7 degrees this morning here at our house--and that's 7 degrees Fahrenheit (-13.9 degrees for you Celsius folks). Tonight it is once again 7 degrees, and I'm sure it will get lower than that during the night. I can hardly wait to fly to California next week--not just for the weather, of course--but I am looking forward to higher temps!!!
It never ceases to amaze me how our bodies adapt to our climate, wherever we may be. Whatever is cold for our particular climate seems cold to us, and the same thing is true with heat...but when we go to a different climate, it all changes. I remember when I was a senior in college and I flew to San Diego to visit Jeff (to whom I was engaged at the time). It was December 1996. I was enjoying wearing summer dresses and going barefoot as I sat in the porch swing on Jeff's sister's patio, but all the California folks thought I was crazy. I had come from the cold and snow of my college in Pennsylvania though so the weather seemed really warm to me!
It also amazes me that the weather can change so much so that during part of the year, we are so hot that we wear as few clothes as possible and still sweat like crazy, but during another part of the year--the same year in the same place--we are so cold that we bundle up as much as we can and still feel cold. I was looking at pictures today from a HOT July Sunday afternoon volleyball game and thinking, "I can't believe we were really that hot; I remember feeling on that day like I would simply melt like a pat of butter in a hot skillet!" And now here I huddle in my turtlenecks, shoving as much wood into our woodstove as will possibly fit in an effort to stay warm. What a contrast!
This doesn't just happen in Virginia. When we lived in Tel Aviv which has a more temperate climate than here, the same thing was true. I have vivid memories of dressing Josiah in a onesie, than a sleeper, than a sleeping sack before putting him to bed in the winter--and I still worried that he might be cold, and sometimes even put blankets on top of him (after he was old enough to be safe with blankets). But during the summer, he would wear just a diaper to bed and would still be hot!
Well, enough reflections on the weather. This cold snap certainly makes me grateful for our warm home. I can see how people could easily die in this weather.
Chef Jeff's Chili
This was Jeff's entry into the chili competition last night. Isn't it lovely? Speaking completely free from bias, I must say that the taste is excellent, but you really have to appreciate highly spicy foods to truly enjoy this chili to its highest potential. I would say it definitely deserved higher than the 7th place ranking it received. Like I said, I'm not biased at all in that...just speaking the truth in love!
For dinner tonight, we ate some of the leftover chili; and if I diluted my bowl of chili with roughly half sour cream/half chili, I could eat it with only a manageable amount of tongue-burning.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Tonight we are going to a friend's house for a Super Bowl party; the Camerons will once again host a chili cook-off with a spectacular prize for first place. Rumor has it that the prize awarded the winner last year actually broke the very first time it was used, but I'm certain the quality of prizes has improved drastically since then!
In any case, I decided not to enter chili this year--I'm still recovering from my dismal finish last year. After all those burning tongues of fire, I figured we're gonna need something sweet--and sweet, I can do. So this afternoon found me making a mess in my kitchen, whipping up brownies, congo squares, and turtles. As I was making the turtles, the sight of the pecans standing in rows like soldiers, awaiting their baptism of boiling butter and brown sugar and chocolate chips, caught my eye, so I decided to snap a picture of them. Sometimes we miss the beauty of ordinary things--ordinary moments--and although I'm not saying this picture is particularly beautiful, there is something pleasing about it to my eye.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Wake-up Call
My New Favorite Quote about Heaven
We are not citizens of this world trying to make our way to heaven; we are citizens of heaven trying to make our way through this world...we live as those who are on a journey home; a home we know will have the lights on, and the door open, and our Father waiting for us when we arrive. That means in all adversity our worship of God is joyful, our life is hopeful, our future is secure. There is nothing we can lose on earth that can rob us of the treasures God has given us and will give us.
~ The Landisfarne, via The Anglican Digest, as quoted in Finding Your Purpose as a Mom