Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bring It On

Hello, Summer!

I know, of course, that the calendar thinks there are almost two months until you come; but you can't fool me.  The weather the past few days has felt exactly like your weather, and I know you've snuck in the door when Spring wasn't looking.  Maybe Spring will kick you out when she wakes up enough to realize you've taken over, but it won't bother me if you stick around for a while...say, until November.

Summer, this is what I love about you.  My boys wear shorts and a t-shirt and go barefoot.  Jackets are left in the closet, not struggled into before we venture outside.  Windows are open day and night, letting the stale house air of winter escape and letting your fresh breezes enter.  Ceiling fans twirl lazily at night and a bit more vigorously during the day, bringing natural, non-air-conditioned refreshment to us and particularly delighting Tobin who has suddenly realized that those things on the ceiling magically move!  Our regular schoolwork is done for the year; and although we do a little bit of extra schoolwork some days, most of our time is used for other things, like the boys playing hide-and-seek around the lilac bushes and the sheds while I hang out a load of laundry.  Speaking of laundry, Summer, you are definitely my favorite season in which to do that.  Although our electric dryer sure makes the towels softer than your sunshine does, nothing can replicate the scent of fresh-from-the-line clothes.  It's a wonderful thing.

Besides all of this goodness, you bring us something else really special: summer vacation.  My particular family is taking our vacation early this year, during Spring; but where we're going in California, you'll already be there waiting for us, I'm thinking, so we won't be deprived of your pleasant attributes.  Today I've been thinking about what I need to pack for our trip; and if that isn't a summer thing to do, what is?  Since I was a child headed yearly with my family for the Outer Banks of North Carolina, I have delighted in the planning and preparation for the actual vacation; and that hasn't changed a bit.

You know, Summer, people warned me that this year, I'd be a huge, hot, grumpy pregnant lady when you rolled around.  Two of those characteristics may be true, but grumpy won't be one of them.  I like being hot.  So bring on your 80s, your 90s, even your 100s.  I'm ready for you.  You don't scare me one bit.  

In fact, Summer of 2009, you just might be the best summer of my life so far--for one reason in particular: no other summer has ever brought me a baby.  That makes you extraordinary.


Heart of Wisdom Academy said...

I'm glad you talked about what the most important thing is. I really need to emphasize this point with the kids. My oldest never had anyone to argue with, but the twins have each other and they can bicker!I love your magnolia. You look wonderful! I look forward to the birth of your baby and finding out his or her name. I answered your questions on my blog under your comment, i'm not sure if you got it. God Bless

Sally said...

Ahh, I have been enjoying these days, thanks to the breeze that keeps it from being stifling hot here. I too love putting less clothes on my children. I'm glad you like the heat, I like the cool, but I am hoping I won't mind the heat as much this summer. We will see.

I hope you have a wonderful vacation! I'll look forward to hearing about it when you come back.

Misty said...

Couldn't have said it better myself :)

Margie said...

This is great! Wonderful writing. It's nice to get back on-line and get caught up. I do believe however, that if you lived in Tejas, summer would be Daunting. But summer in your neck of the woods sounds Delicious.