Sunday, April 26, 2009

Simple Sunday - Storytime

~ thankful for this sweet moment between brothers:  Josiah reading an illustrated and abridged version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to David a few days ago
~ when I look at this picture, I see the hard work that went into it  :)...for one thing, Josiah was not always the happiest, most cooperative student when I was teaching him to read...he didn't want to sound out "m-a-t" or "c-r-a-b" or anything else; he just wanted to know what the word was already! we progressed through his reading lessons, I sometimes wondered if I should have been stricter about making him sound things out; but hearing him read now reassures me that I needn't have worried about that since he's doing exceptionally well in this area and reading books that are much, much harder than I would have expected him to read at this age

~ the other area that we have worked and worked and worked on is the sibling relationship between Josiah and many times have I asked them this question during/after a dispute:  what is the most important thing???...they unenthusiastically answer, "love"..."that's right," I say, "love for God and love for people!"...sometimes I feel like I've been talking to rocks or banging my head against a brick wall when we go through this whole routine yet again and they still haven't gotten it!...then I remember how many times I've been taught certain aspects of Christian living, and I still haven't gotten it either...but at moments like the storytime pictured above, I realize that they are getting it and that their relationship is growing as each of them grows and matures in Christ

~ two verses seem particularly relevant today:
Galatians 6:9 - Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Hebrews 12:11 - No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

~ in this whole process, my sons are not the only ones being disciplined!...I am, too, as I learn to be consistent in drawing out their hearts and dealing with their characters to help to shape these amazing little (fallen) men into the image of their Creator...isn't that the challenge?  to stay consistent and not give in to weariness???

Stay the course, Davene.  Keep your hand to the plow.  Don't give up, because a harvest of righteousness and peace is coming.  And meanwhile, enjoy these beautiful little moments that give a glimpse of what the future holds, here on earth and most of all, in heaven where we will live fully in peace and righteousness...and where I'll be able to hang up my "referee hat" forever and never again break up a sibling dispute!  :)

This turned into more than just a Simple Sunday post since I usually keep those fairly short, but these thoughts have been much in my mind and heart the past few days so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to pour them out here.  :)


bekahcubed said...

How exciting to see brothers living together in harmony! Keep up the good work!

Kristen said...

Love the picture! I gave you a blog award on my blog. :) Check it out when you get a chance.

Bonnie said...

I Love that picture, it reminds me of 2 of my brothers, the ones right after me.(I have 5 brothers BTW) For a while, they had to share a bed, and Dan would fall asleep, twisting Gregs hair around his finger!
As brothers, they definately had their ups and downs, but seeing as they were the best man in each others weddings, I know they still have a tight bond.
You have such sweet liitle guys!

Sarah said...

What a sweet picture! I remember when my sister used to read to me--wonderful memoties!