Thursday, April 9, 2009

I Can't Get Enough...

...of this sweet boy. I love to watch him grow and change...I love to notice all the new things he does and new sounds he makes...I love to study him, noticing things like the mole on the middle finger of his right hand, the way he's quick to wave and say "bye" (without the "b" at the beginning) when he sees someone getting ready to leave, his eyes that watch and absorb everything that goes on around him, the way he loves to talk on the "telephone" (which could be just a string held to his ear), his knowledge that socks go on feet and sunglasses go on faces and hats go on heads and his attempts to put them there (even though he himself can't get them on the right way). These video clips just make me smile as they capture a unique stage of his life (and unique stages in Josiah and David's lives, too, since theirs are the voices that are mostly heard in the videos!).

Tobin Bear, I love you so much. You are truly a treasure!


Valerie said...

You got the short end of the stick "No Daddy is the best" :)

Tobin is getting so big. I love that age. He's a cutie pie.

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness!!! He is so precious! And BIG! :) I can't believe how fast the time goes.