Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Most Boys?

An email from a friend recently got my mind spinning with thoughts of families that have all sons or all daughters.  I was trying to think, "Which all-boy family do I know that has the most children?"...and oddly, the most I can think of is four sons in a family (the Hartmans, a family that my parents have known for years).  When I think of all-girl families, I immediately think of the Gardner family who had eight girls in a row...but then, they went and had two boys at the end, destroying their daughter-only status.  :)  I know there are other families out there that have lots of sons and no daughters; but as I think about the families I know in real life or have "met" through blogging, I just can't seem to think of any.  Hmmm...

Seems odd to me that if this little one is a boy, we'd match the record of all-boy families that I know.


Unknown said...

Now don't quote me on this, but I remember when I was pregnant reading about how the simple act of carrying one boy baby makes it more likely that subsequent babies will be male. I think it's something about how the female body tries to fight against the male (ie foreign) genetic material (which is why there are more boys conceived but more naturally miscarried), but once your body has carried one boy baby it recognises those genes and is more likely to carry a boy baby to term.
Still, that said, I don't know any families with more than three boys in a row!

Jenn Heatwole said...

Yeah, but if this one is a boy, then you'll have to beat the record and have another boy. Except I know a family of Showalters who had 5 sons and no daughters.

Jen said...

Congratulations on the pregnancy! Obviously, I haven't checked in in too long! I do know one family with 4 boys and they are all awesome. (:

Morning - what an interesting comment. Makes me want to do some research!

Christin said...

Hmm. I'm just wondering who this email have been from?

I know of a family that, I THINK, had seven boys. They're all grown men now with near grown children. The Knopp boys. Some of them went to GCC. You're parents MAY remember them?

Of course, then there's always that AMAZING movie...Seven brides for Seven brothers. Love it.

Not that they're real or anything. But I love the concept all the same.