Day Three of silence was yesterday, and I guess the fact that I had a riding lesson during the day and we went to a friend's house for dinner contributed to my lack of writing here.
But really, I just haven't felt like writing. It's been a blah week, and I find that I tend to be more enthusiastic about writing when I'm happy than when I'm sad. I haven't really had a good reason to be down in the dumps. I guess I've just felt a bit like a hamster running around on the wheel that is my life--same old, same old--laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing dirty diapers, etc. I've been extremely unmotivated; and although my enthusiasm for starting "projects" is well documented in this blog, I haven't felt much inclination to dive into anything new this week...and the tasks for which I did have the slightest inclination definitely fell in the nonessential category, while essential tasks lay neglected all around me.
Enough of that--I know I'm just dealing with emotions that probably every other mother who has walked the face of the earth has felt before me, so it's not new or original or earth-shaking. This too shall pass!
In light of Philippians 4:8, I'm going to think on the noble, lovely, and excellent things from the past few days. Here are some examples, in no particular order:
1. the weather on Monday and Tuesday evenings were so perfectly pleasant that we 4, plus my parents, ate dinner out on our patio both was refreshing and relaxing to simply change the location of our evening meal and take advantage of the beautiful spring evenings
2. Jeff and the boys came with me to my riding lesson yesterday, and it was so much fun to have them there! the lesson went well...trotting is becoming much easier...and I even did a tiny bit of cantering, astride a horse that I wasn't nearly as comfortable with but actually managed to do fine with (this subject could really be a separate post; someday I'll write more about this)
3. it was nice to have a long talk with a friend from San Diego, Liberty, on Tuesday evening...I'm so excited about her pregnancy!
4. last evening we spent an enjoyable (as always!) evening with our friends Bob and Cindy...they are definitely an encouragement to us
5. I've been trying to lose a little weight recently (this, too, could be a separate post!), and so far, I'm down 4 pounds
6. the lilacs are blooming and are absolutely gorgeous...I have a big bouquet of them on our table now
7. we had a good visit with my great-aunt Lorraine on Tuesday
8. nobody in our household is sick
9. my mother is coming up later to help me clean the house in preparation for our fellowship potluck tomorrow evening...I think she realized how "bummy" I felt, so she quickly offered to help...I'm so grateful for her servant's heart
10. I've been having fun learning the guitar chords for the great hymn, "O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus"--and even more fun meditating on the profound words of that song
11. my friend Julie and I had a "real" phone conversation today...she understands the wilderness stage of life and is quick to be a supportive and listening ear
I really do have so much to be thankful for, so much to think positively about!
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