...and yesterday's first was teaching the boys to wash the car. I had forgotten what an enjoyable task this is, but it all came flooding back to me as Jeff started getting out the supplies: plunging a hot arm into the bucket of soapy water to grab a sponge, seeing progress made as the car transforms from dirty to clean, and--best of all--being the one in control of the hose to rinse the car or, better yet, "accidentally" spray your brother. ;) My brother David and I had our fair share of these moments while growing up, and now it's being passed down. The old circle of life keeps turning.

~ after Josiah saw Jeff pull out this brush, he didn't want to use a sponge anymore because he thought the brush looked like more fun...

~ ...so Jeff used the sponge for a while...

~ ...and David and Tobin sat in the garage and watched it all, taking mental notes, I'm sure, for when it's their turn to do this job :)

~ ah, sweet Tobin, with the gorgeous blue eyes...I'm not sure if chewing on a plastic horseshoe is supposed to bring good luck ;)...but I do know that having you in our family is a blessing straight from God's hand

~ he still loves to suck his thumb and hold something at the same time...it's delightful to notice all his little habits

~ finally, Josiah got to have the hose--the feel of power!

~ I love my license plate :)...Jeff surprised me with this, and I'm so glad he did because, having an unusual name, I never find my name on anything personalized
By the way, I have been delinquent, in the past few weeks, about recording my weight during my quest this summer to lose 17 pounds of baby weight; but I'm not done yet so I want to stick with this (the weight loss and the public accountability!). My weight has been hovering between 147-148 recently, but this morning it was down to 146.4 which made me happy. Less than 7 pounds to go until I reach my goal! :)
I really slack on washing the car! Maybe one day the kids and I will get out there and do it but for now it will be grubby. I never get anything with my name on it either so I know how you feel (but I love having a name that isn't heard every day!) That little Tobin is getting so big and cute!
It looks like everyone had a great time! I'm surprised David was happy to sit and watch, and wasn't trying to get in on the job! Tobin is so cute, and the thumb-sucking reminds me of Hannah.
Enjoy your clean car!
Sally, I, too, was surprised that David didn't jump into the action more. He did ride his tricycle a little so he didn't sit beside Tobin the whole time. But really, I would have expected him to dive in with a little more fervor. Maybe next time... :)
Congratulations on the continued weight loss, Davene! I'm so impressed by your honesty and consistency. And you look mahvelous, Darling. :)
i was just thinking over the last couple weeks that we need to teach the kids how to wash the car! too funny you blogged about it. :)
I LOVE the plate. What a great gift!
Should they need a car to practice on... mine is game for a good washing.
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