Monday, November 10, 2008


David continues to delight us with the random things that come out of his mouth. I remember thinking, before he could talk, "What is going on in your head, little boy?" Now I find it fascinating to have these little peeks into the workings of his mind when he decides to open his mouth and express himself. :)

Some recent gems:

~ "I've got bugs in my feet!" - several times he has said this, and I'm sure it must be when his feet "fall asleep" and then start to "wake up"...I guess it does feel like bugs in our bodies when that happens :)

~ "Do we get sick because we sin?" - two weeks ago, David wasn't feeling the greatest (and a few days later, Josiah caught the sickness from him--I really think it started with Tobin though who, the week before, had had a runny nose and seemed a little off, the first time he's really been sick)...this question was asked by David in the minivan on our way to Josiah's choir class, and it started a great discussion about the issue Jesus dealt with in John 9 ("Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?")...once again, I'm reminded of how blessed I am to be the one to hear David's questions and have the opportunity to answer them

~ "When we don't like God, does He still love us?" - another great discussion-starter!

~ "Does everybody in the whole world love me?" - almost everyone, my dear boy; and those who don't probably would if they could only meet you! :)


Every Monday, I receive a Mind Change Moment email from Tom Jones, and today's had these words about Matthew 6:12 which sunk into my brain and have been reverberating therein:

Jesus brilliantly, or should we say spiritually, has us pray that we will be forgiven only as we have forgiven those in debt to us. It is as though I am saying to God, "Forgive me, Father, but only as I have forgiven my dad, and my daughter, my friend, and, yes, my coworker who really doesn't like me."

There is a mind change: "If I have not shown them grace, I ask you not to give any to me."

Practice this and you will see that it also brings a life change.

I'm not sure I really want to say, "If I have not shown them grace, I ask you not to give any to me." I'd much rather say, "Please, Lord, give me lots more grace than I find myself capable of giving to anyone!"


Day 10
- Jeff is willing--even eager--to involve our boys in his activities. Someone once said, "Make your children your hobby." In other words, don't be so intent on developing your golf swing or your stamp collection or your bowling skills that you use your time for that, rather than for/with your kids. Jeff is exceptional in this area. When he's making pottery, he's getting out a lump of clay for the boys to use to make whatever they want. When he's playing chess on the computer, he's got a boy or two right there with him and is explaining to them the finer points of chess strategy. When he's raking leaves, he's got two little sidekicks "helping" him. Even at work, he likes having us come to visit and enjoys the times when Josiah gets to stick around there and do his special job (sweeping up hair, which Josiah really enjoys because he gets "tips" from some of the barbers and even a customer from time to time...the last time he did this, he made $6.00...the time before that, he made $5.00...he benefits from the generosity found in that shop!). Anyway, I appreciate so much how Jeff is a hands-on dad, not selfishly grabbing for alone time to pursue his interests, but devoting himself to his family.


Sally said...

That is so great that Jeff involves the kids so much! I know first-hand the patience that requires.

Charree said...

The picture is adorable. It is so wonderful that he is so curious, especially concerning things about the Lord.

Have a blessed day!

Margie said...

I love that picture of David. And wow, Jeff does pottery? What a neat hobby.