Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The News

I'm only writing this post tonight because I said I would--NOT because I, in any way, feel inspired. Today was a good day--don't get me wrong. It was much better than yesterday, and I'm grateful for that. But I'm just so tired. All my creativity vanished like the water from the tub after the boys' bath tonight. It's just gone.

Anyway...the news. I didn't mean to have that much build-up about it or make it seem like such a huge thing. In fact, after Misty's comment today on the previous post, I've been racking (or "wracking"--a quick Google search didn't convince me of how it should be spelled) my brain, trying to think of what she thinks the good news might be. Obviously, it's not a pregnancy announcement. I didn't win the lottery because I didn't play. I didn't get a job promotion because I "don't work." :) We didn't buy a new car. None of our children is getting married. I didn't receive an all-expense-paid trip to Jerusalem. Hmmm...I just can't think what might be in her head. :)

But, here is the news: Tobin got his first tooth!!!

Surprised? Feeling let-down? Not all you imagined it to be? I'm so sorry; I'll try to be more careful with my words next time so I don't cause undue excitement. :)

In any case, I was very excited to notice a different look to his mouth yesterday when I was feeding him his oatmeal; and sure enough, when I rubbed his gum, I could clearly feel his sharp little tooth sticking up. It's his bottom right one, and I didn't even realize it was coming because he had not been abnormally fussy at all during the last several days. He continues to be an easy-going little fellow, even when it comes to teething. What a blessing!

Day 25 - We spent some time with Jeff at the barbershop today, and I was reminded of how extraordinarily well he runs his business: besides doing an excellent job with the actual haircuts, he is also caring enough to reach out to people, learning their name (not the easiest task for him), sometimes even jotting down a bit of information about them so he can remember them more personally, making them feel special as he serves them. His loyal clientele is evidence of how well he does his job, and I'm so proud of him!


Sally said...

Hooray for Tobin! I think that is exciting. I am only half-waiting for Hannah to get teeth. Paul didn't get any until 1 day before he turned 11 mo. old. I think Hannah is going to follow his pattern in that.

If I ever stop giving the haircuts in our family, I will be sure to urge Andrew and Paul to come to Jeff's barbershop. Andrew thinks it is wonderful that he has never darkened the door of a barbershop. His mom cut his hair when he was at home, then we got married and now I cut his hair (and sometimes it looks like I cut it too!!).

Kristen said...

A tooth is a very big accomplishment! Congrats to Tobin. :)

Misty said...

A first tooth is exciting news. I didn't mean to put undue pressure..LOL, actually that was the first time I saw that post so I wasn't really continually checking back for updates, just teasing a little. Anyway, yay for Tobin - that is exciting!

Unknown said...

A first tooth is big news! And how great that teething isn't bothering Tobin, the sweetie. My nephew lost his first tooth last week and kept it for four days before he could be persuaded to exchange it for $2 from the tooth fairy.