Saturday, January 10, 2009

There's Some Truth to That

A number of years ago, a friend of mine (who it was exactly, I cannot recall) gave me a daily calendar called "Friend to Friend" with a short prayer and a quote for each day of the year. I discovered that in a box of my "treasures" at some point last year and pulled it out to set on the windowsill above my kitchen sink. I enjoyed going through it during this past year and would look at it many times during the day. Sometimes the prayer of the day applied directly to my life; sometimes it didn't. Sometimes the quote of the day was corny, sometimes humorous, sometimes wise. But it was always a pleasure to flip the calendar to the new day and see what came next.

Here are a few of the quotes that stood out to me from that calendar:

~ Courage is fear that said its prayers.

~ You can knock the chip off the other person's shoulder simply by patting him on the back. I have seen this in action as I've learned about love languages, especially the words of affirmation love language. People with a chip on their shoulder can be disarmed by filling their love tank with words of affirmation.

~ A good neighbor doubles the value of a house. I can vouch for that since we have plenty of good neighbors around us who make it even more wonderful to live here!

~ Optimists are people who leave the dinner dishes because they will feel more like washing them in the morning. I try this sometimes, but the dishes don't look any more inviting to me in the morning than they did at night.

~ Some jobs have to be put off dozens of times before they completely slip your mind. Sigh...this one describes me, too.

~ A person's temper improves the more he doesn't use it.

~ God tucks mothers in at night. Awwwww... :)

~ The one time people never say, "It's just a game," is when they're winning. Watching my competitive boys has convinced me of this one!

~ Some believe that wrongs aren't wrong if they're done by nice people like ourselves. Ouch! This hits home because even this morning, I was thinking critical thoughts about some group of people (I really can't remember who, believe it or not). When I realized what I was doing, I knew that if anyone else had expressed such thoughts, I would have labeled them as prideful, close-minded, ignorant people. And that's exactly who I was--and am--more times than I'd like to admit.

~ Nothing widens a narrow driveway quite as much as looking at it with a snow shovel in your hand. Ah, the power of perspective! :)

~ A synonym is the word you use when you can't spell the other one. I'm guilty of that!

~ No one has been honored for what they received. They are honored for what they gave. True, so true.

And here is a recent gem of wisdom that I discovered for myself. Save one special decoration to bring out in January, so that the cold and gray days after Christmas are brightened a bit. For me this year, it's this stuffed snowman that I bought at a neighborhood yard sale in July. After I got him, I put him in a closet and occasionally peeked at him (one time even hugging and talking to him, convincing Jeff that I had surely lost my marbles), but resisted the urge to bring him out when decorating for Christmas. Now I'm so glad I waited and let him be a special January decoration; it makes me happy to see him on the bench inside our front door! :)


Charree said...

Those thoughts are so wonderful thanks for sharing them. I especially liked the first one about courage. I could apply that one to my life.

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I love these all, but the one that spoke to me was "You can knock the chip off the other person's shoulder simply by patting him on the back." My middle nephew is having such a hard time lately, and taking it out on others often. I realise it comes from an emptiness and feelings of unworthiness inside, and try to give him as much love as I can.

Sally said...

I loved those calendar quotes, and your thoughts on them! What a nice thing to read each day. I also liked the idea of saving a decoration for Jan. Maybe I should get out my lighted Bethlehem village! I never did get around to decorating--Andrew, Paul, & Hannah did it all.