Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Tobin Did on His Birthday

He watched Grandma carry his cake (Carrot Gold Cake from Esther Shank's cookbook, the cake I ALWAYS make for the boys' first birthday...can we all sing "Tradition!" from Fiddler on the Roof?) over to his highchair.
He watched his big brother Josiah take a deep breath to blow out the candle...
...with a little help from the other big brother, David.
He got to eat a few bites of cake which Daddy fed him (he didn't seem too impressed with his first few tastes of cake, by the way).
He was his adorable little self and posed for the camera.
He snuggled with Grandpa on the couch and looked at his new presents from us (two caterpillars that I got at a thrift store--the colorful one at the bottom of the picture is by Discovery Toys; the other one is a LeapFrog alphabet learning one--and a crinkly fabric book that I actually bought new!). :)
He listened to his Aunt Donna wish him a happy birthday through the speaker phone on that funny black thing Grandpa held in his hand.
He played with a colorful gift bag (the best part of a present, after all!).
He got to take a trip to Grandpa's office where he was weighed and measured but managed to avoid a shot because, after all, it was his birthday...and who wants to give a baby a shot on his birthday? Not my dad!
He got to lay on this antique scale and be the newest thing by far in this picture. Everything else--scale, table, carpet--dropped out of the "new" category long ago.
And that is how he celebrated his birthday! :)


Unknown said...

darling little thing!

Valerie said...

It feels like it was just a few weeks ago when I was constantly checking your blog to see if you had the baby yet! 1 year already?

It sounds like he had a great Birthday celebration.

Happy Birthday Tobin!

Valerie (formerly posted as Foxy5)

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Tobin!! Looks like everyone had a great time celebrating!

Misty said...

Looks like a great birthday to me!!..just out of curiousity, how much did he weigh?

New Mom said...

Oh my word, he is a doll!

Just out of curiousity, what kind of doctor is you dad and does he treat your children-- that would be so convenient.

BTW, and this shouldn't make you jealous-- it is 75 here and I'm wearing shorts and short sleeves. Don't be jealous though, because to me, it's just another indicator that 115 degree temperatures are quickly approaching. I LONG for a dusting of snow to romp around in.

Davene said...

Misty...he was 18 and 1/4 pounds and 29 inches long.

New dad is a family practitioner in solo practice. He's the old-fashioned kind of doctor, and there's not too many like him around anymore. He does treat our children, and it's wonderful to have him so close to call on at a moment's notice. For example, the night of Tobin's birthday, after I had come back up to the house from Tobin's office visit, David was playing in the living room and slipped and fell on his arm. He cried hard, unusually hard for him; so we called dear Grandpa to come up and make a house call to check and see if it was broken. It wasn't, of course; but it made David feel better to have his doctor look at it. :)

Another advantage of my dad treating the boys is that we never have to do those long Q&A sessions during an office visit to evaluate their progress: is Tobin walking? is he crawling? rolling over? saying sounds? drinking out of a cup? etc. Dad just watches as we go through life together so he knows where the boys are at already!

Sally said...

What a really nice birthday! Thanks for posting his weight & length in the comments. I too was wondering. I would be lying completely if I told you he looked big. He looks just fine and like Tobin, but for size, our humongous Hannah takes the prize. That little girl is so big, and that's what I'm used to seeing. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll have a thin one, but I haven't yet.

Melissa said...

Tobin strikes me as calm, gentle, easy that so? I love how sweet he seems. I especially love the top picture of this post. He just looks so grateful. :D

Melissa :D

PS: I love watching those boys grow. It seems like family in a way :D