Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like...Fall?

Our neighbors experimented with growing pumpkins this year on part of their land; and after months of us seeing the plants grow and hearing about various dangers from pests and weeds and the like and wondering how it would all turn out, the pumpkins are ready now--and have done very well! So now our neighbors have a neat wagon with a very attractive display of pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, etc. out by the road...and LOTS more pumpkins in the field. Some of their pumpkins--the biggest ones--will be sold to a man from a town across the mountain from us who has a pumpkin patch. Our neighbor told me the funniest thing tonight: this man buys pumpkins from the farmers around here, takes them back to his farm, and every night when it's dark, restocks his pumpkin patch with pumpkins from here!!! So every day, new people can come to his patch, have the experience of going out into his field, and "picking their own pumpkin." I had no idea pumpkin patches got re-stocked!

One thing I love about this area--you can set up a roadside stand, leave your produce out there, put a jar for money, and TRUST that people will...a) not steal your produce, b) not steal your money, and c) actually pay for whatever produce they take. What a town! Although in our neighbor's case, since he is a welder, he has welded a nice big, strong money box to the wagon so I don't think anyone could get away with his money no matter what!
~ Josiah and David with the pumpkin wagon in the background
~ I'm not sure what was going on with David here...not his greatest picture...oh, well...Josiah got to help our neighbors with the pumpkins in the background of this picture: washing, drying, and polishing them

1 comment:

Crystal said...

What??? I feel I've been deceived. All these years, admiring the beautiful pumpkins at the Pick-your-own-pumpkin farms.....they've been tricking us. Sigh. What is this world coming to? ;-)