Friday, September 14, 2007

Week 22

~ the casual look -- AKA the "I'm trying to do laundry and pack and get ready for vacation while recovering from a cold" look -- I certainly didn't dress up for this picture, but I did want to get it taken and posted before we leave town since if I don't do it now, I don't know when it will get done!
~ a happy Virginia girl -- you've heard about those proud Southerners? "the South will rise again" type of folks? well, I'm kind of one of them -- not in the political sense (no, we don't fly a Confederate flag at our house!) -- but wow, I sure do love my state!
Pregnancy notes:
* heartburn seems to be the new symptom of the week, afflicting me the past several nights
* the name game continues with no clear solution in sight (18 more weeks to figure this one out!)
* and most importantly, I appreciate so much the comments and emails that I've gotten following my last pregnancy update -- you've made me laugh! -- you've made me think about names I wouldn't have otherwise considered -- and you've helped me realize once again that I'm not alone as you've shared your experiences with me -- the best part of blogging for me, besides the personal record of life that I can hang onto, is becoming part of a community and sharing life together, exchanging everything from recipes to child-naming stories -- I'm blessed to have you in my life!


Christin said...

just so you know, I think this is THE ABSOLUTE Best picture of you yet. Hands down. You look adorable!!!
Happy Vacationing! And thanks for the early birthday wishes too. :)

Julie said...

You DO look cute. You are at the "perfect" pregnancy stage...obviously pregnant but not HUGE, yet.
ENJOY your vacation!!!!