Tuesday, February 26, 2008

His Hand

Jeff has the high honor of playing the part of Jesus in our church's Easter drama this year. Perhaps that is what inspired him to sit down a few evenings ago and mold some clay into this sculpture.
~ a simple, but powerful, reminder of the biggest sacrifice anyone could ever make


JFisher777 said...

I am sure the placement of my nail might have stirred up some of the zealots that frequent Davene's blog. Was it the hand, the carpel bones, or the wrist???? I was not making a conclusion, but here are three views for nail placement that are different, for those who think such things matter.


Christin said...

I was just going to say WOW, that's one talented husband! But then I read his comment...he cracks me up. I promise, I'm not one of those zealots. I really don't think the positioning of the nail matters...at least to me. I just cling to the fact that he died on the cross for me.

Crystal said...

I do believe you married an artist, Davene. Beautiful, both in workmanship & message.