Monday, March 31, 2008

Gym Night (or Why I Love Our Church)

Our church had its annual gym night at EMHS on Sunday evening: snacks, games, open gym for volleyball and basketball, and relaxing fun for the whole family. We had not gone before, since we haven't been attending this church for a year yet, so this was a new event to us. But we all had a good time, and the boys in particular had a blast; their joy was uplifting to Jeff and I, too.

Gotta love seeing your children so happy...

Gotta love a church that is so welcoming to you AND your kids...

Gotta love a church where a couple of preteen girls spend their whole evening entertaining your 2 year-old (thanks, Holly & Katherine!)...

Gotta love a church that lets your 5 year-old "play" volleyball on one of the teams, even though he mostly gets in the way and occasionally gets hit in the head with the ball...

Gotta love a church that has nursery workers that, when you thank them for taking care of your child, say with great sincerity, "Thank YOU for letting us take care of him!"...

Gotta love a church that has open arms for your baby so that, at any event, even when he's fussy, someone is always willing to say, "Oh, it's OK; I'll hold him"...

Gotta love a church where young and old mix so freely and comfortably...

Gotta love a church where everybody's related to somebody...and even if you're not, they'll make you feel like you are...

Gotta love a church where the pastor plays Candyland with your 2 year-old...
~ Sherry and Tobin
~ Kristin and Tobin
~ oh, surprise! someone else is holding Tobin!...this time, it's Joy, Sherry's daughter
~ Josiah, the lil sprout in a field of tall trees
~ Jeff Kauffman and David and the oh-so-exciting game of Candyland
~ Glendon & Jeff played games all night, in between conversation about church history and homiletics (and interruptions by Floyd, AKA Simon the Zealot)...and Holly and Mary played checkers
We are blessed!!!

1 comment:

Christin said...

OHHHHH!! sounds like you have an AMAZING church! I'm so glad you found a good fit!