Sunday, November 23, 2008

Simple Sunday - A Warm Woodstove

~ thankful for this wonderful old woodstove which has stood faithfully in its place in this house since before I was born...when Jeff and I were making plans to move here, I remember thinking about--gasp!--getting rid of this woodstove (actually, saving it to put into our log cabin someday...a girl can dream, right?) because of the lack of designer style it brings to the living silly of me!...I didn't realize I would fall in love with its warm heat (and yes, some heat is warm, and some is not; woodstove heat is warm, and heat pump heat is not) I can't imagine making it through a cold winter without it!
Day 23 - I'm grateful for Jeff's willingness to uncomplainingly pay the bill for our wood supply, as well as his willingness to occasionally go to get wood himself, as well as his willingness to carry wood from the woodshed to our porch--three thankfuls in one! :)


Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

I grew up on Lake Michigan (brrrrrrrr...) with a very similar looking wood burning stove and I miss it so much! Yours is charming. BTW---congrats on baby #4! How exciting for everyone. Many Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daughter,
I had a good laugh from this Simple Sunday topic. You never knew how close I came to having a heart attack when you announced that you wanted to get rid of our dearly beloved Morso. :-) You weren't even born yet when we purchased it so didn't know the hours of research we had put into selecting a wood stove that would produce "warm" heat like I grew up with. Electric heat is "cool" heat and can't hold a candle to wood heat. This Morso was recommended to be the best and most efficient brand sold at the stove company and we thoughtfully considered, then took a deep breath and agreed to buy this Morso that was truly an investment, praying that we would have enought money to pay for it! It has been worth every penny it cost and has warmed the environment for our own dear family as they were growing up as well as the countless guests who have blessed us with their presence in our home. Speaking of "designer style", this stove was created for extreme heating efficiency which has endeared it to all of the hearts of our family. May you continue to enjoy its warmth and coziness with your family and guests for MANY years.
Your loving Mother

Emily Joy said...

We have a wood stove, and It sure keeps us warm on these cold nights (And days!) Glad you're enjoying yours!

Debbie in CA : ) said...

I remember bidding a fond farewell to our beautiful fireplace in one house and a tepid hello to the new woodstove my husband painstakingly researched -- I fell in love with that stove and was sad to move away from it. Our current house is quite large and is heated by one not-too-attractive stove BUT I LOVE IT TOO! Sensitive membranes and dust allergies make heaters a no-no for our family. Hence I understand falling in love with the warmth and cozy and overlooking the eccentric appearance. In your case the sentimental value is HUGE!! Your mom's note is so adorable. That stove sounds like a member of the family. ; )

Glad you like coming to listen to my music. I fill my blog with the same tunes that fill my home. Beauty comes in so many forms . . . and I celebrate them all. : )

Kristy said...

ooohh, that picture looks os warm, cozy and inviting! Makes me want to curl up on a couch with a good book!

Enjoy your "warm" heat this winter!

Charree said...

I am very jealous of your stove. It looks so warm and cozy. It is so great that you can enjoy such simple treasures.

Have a blessed day!