October is here, bringing with it delightful weather: warm days and cool nights--fall at its best. Since the mornings can be chilly, we're reaching the point of wanting a fire in the morning for comfort, so the extra project of the day was cleaning off the porch (well, half of it, to be exact...the other half needs Jeff's intervention since it's been taken over by pottery!) and then beginning to carry in wood from the woodshed. It was a glorious afternoon project to do after the boys' naps since they could run around outside and "help" me while I worked.
This picture is the beginning of the pile of wood on our porch. It sure doesn't look like much in this picture, but it felt like a lot more while I was carrying it! I missed my brother David today since he stacks a better pile of wood than anyone I've ever met!
Goodness, you're certainly not letting pregancy slow you down! When I was pregnant with Boo I scarcely did anything physical (certainly not anything I didn't want to do!) and always had an afternoon nap. I guess you don't realise how spoilt you are with the first pregnancy, when you have noone to look after but yourself!
Morning, I'm just hoping all this physical activity makes labor go more quickly and easily for me!!! :)
Seriously, it IS different being pregnant and taking care of children at the same time. Though there are times when I just have to say to the boys, "I'm going to lie down on the couch for 15 minutes so please play quietly," most of the time I need to focus more on their needs and less on my own. I don't think I appreciated the luxury of a first pregnancy when I had it! :) Of course, I wouldn't trade my current life situation for anything...
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