Friday, May 23, 2008

Last Day of School

School's out!!!

Today Josiah finished his math book, the last thing he needed to do to "officially" finish kindergarten. What a year it's been! Such growth in so many areas: knowledge, character, physical size, etc. What a privilege to be the one to share these days with him! I'm so very proud of him!

Josiah and David on the first day of school:
Josiah and David on the last day of school:
My big boy, a rising first-grader, showing off his completed math book:
Did I mention that I'm proud of him? ;)


Kristy said...

Way to go, Josiah! Great accomplishment for student AND his teacher. You are such a great mom, Davene!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they have both really grown!

What a great accomplishment for both of you to finish together. You give me hope that one day I may be able to do the same for my children.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all of you! Don't your boys look so much bigger in the second photo -- it shows so clearly how time flies. Well done for homeschooling for the first year -- it really is a great achievement.

Julie said...

Yay, Josiah, David, and Mommy! You should have posted pictures of Mommy on the first day of school and Mommy on the last day of school with Tobin! What a lot can happen in 9 months. Waiting, waiting, waiting here...