Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Minute to Blog

This computer is still giving us fits, with Jeff working late into the night to get rid of this rascally evil virus we seem to have acquired on it. Now that it's in a semi-workable state, thanks to his dogged determination and expertise, I'm seizing a moment to blog, and here's the profound thought I have to share:

I can't say the word "rural."

I wonder if it's my fault Josiah can't say his "r's" well, consequently needing an evaluation from a speech therapist tomorrow afternoon to see how we can help him overcome that (as well as a few other speech issues he has). Maybe as I watch him learn to adjust his mouth and tongue, I'll learn how to say "rural."

Maybe I should practice now.

Rural. Rural. Rural.

Nope, still can't do it.


Julie said...

Oh, that makes me laugh! Not that your computer is giving you fits, the thought of you sitting there trying to say "rural". I just stick with "country" or something simple like that! Hope everyone is feeling better!

Marie said...

What a bummer about your computer! It is so hard to work around a virus! I wonder if I can say rural? I'll practice also :)

Unknown said...

tob-aggon. my husband is always in fits when I say it. I have to pause at least a few seconds before speaking to remember how to say it correctly.

Unknown said...

I cannot say "rural" or "roar" and I have trouble with "womb." Just silly, we each have our own "little secrets." D pronounces breakfast "bruffus" and it drives me batty. He also says "cureal" instead of cereal. And my dear mother pronouces "mature" in such a way that it rhymes with "manure." Yea!

JFisher777 said...

You all make me laugh! Thanks for being real!! :)

JFisher777 said...

Whoops! That was from Davene, not Jeff. did I get switched into his account? This computer!!! :)

Davene said...

Now I'm me again! Hooray!

Margie said...

I had a roommate in college that couldn't say lantern. I always sort of thought she was kidding. Now, I think: Maybe Not! Always love your posts, Davene.

Crystal said...

I can't say "world war". The kids think it's hilarious. :)

Christin said...

Who CAN say "rural" without sounding like they have a speech impediment???

And just so you know, I had to do speech therapy a few times in elementary school...but I grew out of it. and obviously have NOOO problems expressing myself. *laughing*