Sunday, March 29, 2009

Simple Sunday - Family Ties

~ thankful for family ties that bind our hearts together, even when time and distance separate us...specifically, I'm thankful for the visit we enjoyed this past week from my Aunt Joyce and Uncle Jay who live in British Columbia...the last time we saw them was almost three years ago, and God only knows when we will see them again...the time they were here this week flew past far too quickly...Aunt Joyce is my mother's youngest sibling and her only sister--think they look alike?  :)
How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!
~ Psalm 133:1 in The Message


Sarah said...

So glad you had a nice visit. My mom was here from Ohio this past week so I understand the "ties that bind even when time and distance separate us."

Sally said...

They DO look alike! I just never thought about your mother having siblings. I'm glad you all could visit your Aunt Joyce, and I'm especially happy for your mom. I know how much my sisters mean to me!