Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pregnancy Problems I DON'T Have

"The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
-Henry Ward Beecher

My college alumni newsletter included this quote at the very top of the newsletter that I received today, so in my effort to be a "magnet," I am writing down a different (for me) kind of list of blessings--not about things I do have, but things I don't have. :)

I was realizing the past few nights that in spite of my minor aches and pains and inconveniences from this pregnancy, I could easily be afflicted with much more severe problems. You know how it is when you don't appreciate something until it's gone? I find that to be very true in my life in regards to my health. I don't talk to God very often about my throat until it starts hurting and I want Him to take the pain away-NOW. In the same way, there are a multitude of things that could have gone wrong in this pregnancy, but haven't...and I want to acknowledge that.

1. nausea - even the minor nausea that I had early in pregnancy was enough to remind me how miserable it can be to just feel so sick and not really be able to do anything about it...I'm so grateful to be past that stage!

2. sore hips - during the last part of my pregnancy with David, my hips would get so incredibly sore at night...I would turn from one side to the other, trying desperately to find a side that didn't ache when I laid on it...being as I only have two sides, that was a difficult task! far in this pregnancy, I have not had that kind of pain--maybe because the bed I sleep in now is far better than the bed we had in Israel!

3. pain from the baby's kicks - during the last part of my pregnancy with Josiah, my right ribs were constantly bruised, it seemed, by Josiah's vigorous kicks...I remember pushing on my belly, trying in vain to move him away from his position of having his legs and feet up under my ribs...I don't think it ever worked! and that pain was no fun after a far with this baby, his movements inside me are still such a pleasure to feel; and even though it seems that my stomach is doing convulsions because of his activity, it doesn't cause pain

4. gestational diabetes - I've never had to deal with this, so I don't have any first-hand experience...but I can only imagine how hard it would be to go through pregnancy with this condition...I know that during this pregnancy, I have felt a fairly high degree of freedom about what I eat! :)...and the thought of curtailing that enjoyment of food is not appealing in the least!...but I know women with gestational diabetes go through so much to make sure they and their babies survive pregnancy in a healthy way, and I feel blessed that I've never had this particular burden to bear

5. pre-term labor and bedrest - again, I've never dealt with this firsthand, but even though the thought of someone ordering me to go to bed (and read a book!) sounds GREAT, I realize it's no picnic...a few hours of bedrest might be fun, but I know it gets old after that...and besides the physical discomfort of being confined to bed, I realize there is also the emotional stress of wondering whether the baby will be OK and how long you can keep him/her inside you, as well as the care of any older children in the family...I realize how blessed I am that I can basically function in my normal capacity, even though I'm pregnant

So for all these things that I could have, but don't, I say a big thank you, God!!!


Anonymous said...

All I have to say is "Amen!"

Julie said...

What a great list! You ladies are in the HOME STRETCH!!!! Yay!

Christin said...

You're so precious!

And yes, I can testify that bedrest is NOT fun. In fact I think I've cheated EVERY time I've been on it.