Here we are at week 14 and 1/2, and things are still progressing well. The big highlight of this week was that on Saturday night, the 21st, I'm sure I felt the baby move as I sat in bed reading. I know this is considered very early by the experts, but I'm fairly certain it was actually a baby movement and not other mysterious internal rumblings. :) Actually, beginning in my 12th week, I have been feeling, at random times, sensations that might-have-been-or-might-not-have-been the baby. Lest anyone think I'm crazy for thinking I'm feeling stuff so early, my sister-in-law (who I would trust with my life; her integrity is not to be questioned!) felt her baby during her 11th week of pregnancy.
So I'm curious...I know there are a few other moms out there who read this blog. Anyone willing to share when they first felt their baby move?
I felt all of my babies move early. I actually felt Asher move at 12 weeks. the midwife was pushing around trying to find the heartbeat, and was apparently unnerving the baby. "He" kicked at my stomach to move her off. and it hurt! :)
I'm pretty sure that I felt all the girls early as well...maybe around 14 or so weeks. Jet was able to feel around 17wks.
Every body is different. I'm thinking you know what a baby feels like at this point!
How fun!!! Yay! strong baby!
I had the same, maybe it's the baby but isn't it too early to feel the baby? movements around 13 weeks with this pregnancy. They progressed and I can definitely say I was feeling the baby move at 16 weeks. It seems to get easier to tell apart from other feelings the more times you have been pregnant.
I too felt my 2nd baby around 14 weeks, if not a little earlier.
I think because you know what it feels like the second time around, you notice it sooner.
I believe you! I have felt early movement, too. I think factors such as the position you are in and your size and your experience with prior pregnancies all add up to recognizing early movement. Maybe eating something caffienated or sugary helps, too!
For me, I was leaning back on the couch and didn't have much "padding" (but not as tiny as Misty!!!), and I felt Katie move at around 11 weeks. Then not again until the more recognized time of 16-20 weeks when I felt consistent movement.
Steve and I are both convinced it was Katie, and since we thought we were going to lose her do to miscarriage, we took it as a comforting sign from God that she was ok. And she was!!!
So I think it is totally possible to feel the baby move early on...just maybe not consistently. Make sense???
yikes! The editor in me must change that line to "due to miscarriage"...I try not to be a perfectionist but aaaaggghhh!!!!
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