Monday, July 23, 2007

Yesterday's Specials

Some of the delightful choices on life's menu for yesterday included the following:

~ Josiah eating his breakfast and exclaiming, "You're probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen!" (hmm, maybe I should dress up more often) :)

~ a peaceful Sunday morning--for some reason, the past few Sunday mornings have been stressful and grumpy mornings, for me and the boys!'s not because we have to hurry around and rush to get out the door on time, so what is it?...maybe part of it has been David's unspoken insecurity as he "knows" that things are different on that day and so he gets clingier? any case, yesterday morning was so wonderfully calm; and that was probably partially due to the fact that I had my "weekly" emotional attack on Saturday this week, instead of Sunday...I think I'll keep this in mind for the future: Saturday is a much better day to be weepy than Sunday :)

~ David being such a snuggle-bug after lunch at my parents' house--we pulled out this cozy lambskin and cuddled under it...David was so tired that he wanted to go to sleep at their house, but he called for "Eeyore" and "Bear" to be at their house and didn't understand that to sleep with them, he would have to go up the hill to our house

~ David's laughter ringing out as I pushed him on his swing yesterday evening--he wanted to go "high, high!"...I would tickle his feet as his swing came back to where I was and he would laugh with delight at the highness of it and the tickling
~ a great time of playing with Molly last night--she has calmed down SO fact, while we were playing with her and petting her, Jeff was actually able to trim her nails...the last time we tried, it was literally impossible to do that because she would freak out...there's something therapeutic about playing with a dog, brushing her, and getting licked by her :)
~ most of all, hope!--I feel energized for a new week and hopeful that it can be better than last week and that, in some of the little areas that were discouraging me on Saturday, I can indeed see's a silly example, but important to me: I resolve to make my bed every day and, in general, keep my room picked up without dirty clothes lying around...I feel hope that I can accomplish this, and hope makes all the difference in the world
"Excuse me, waiter, these are fabulous choices on the menu you've prepared! I'll take one of each. Yes, that's right: one of each! And thank you very much."
"Oh, by the way, give my compliments and gratitude to the chef" (God, who prepared such a refreshing feast for my soul yesterday)!

1 comment:

Christin said...

LOVE the prettiest girl comment. He's definitely a sweetie!!