Thursday, August 30, 2007

Taco Salad, Anyone?

This is Josiah's idea of a taco salad. All the right ingredients, but absolutely nothing touching! (I see now that his lettuce was actually a little too close to his beans; he probably pushed them apart as soon as he sat down at the table!) Oh, well, his love of plain, SEPARATE foods is just one of the things that makes him who he is. :)


Julie said...

At least he eats! You all are an inspiration in the "keeping kids seated and eating" department!

Davene said...

Thanks, Julie! I guess all that good training my parents gave me is paying off...since it was certainly a guideline in our household growing up to "stay seated and eat everything on your plate." Needless to say, I was NOT fond of that guideline as a child, but now, ironically enough, I think it's very wise! :)