Tomorrow--oh, tomorrow--is the first official day of week 20. It's also the day of my long- (and I mean LONG-) awaited ultrasound!!! Jeff & Josiah will go with me while our neighbors keep David who will hopefully sleep through most of the time we're gone. I'm SO GLAD Jeff & Josiah will be there with me!
Besides finding out the sex of the baby (if it is so kind as to cooperate), I'm just plain eager to have another glimpse of our little be able to see a beating heart, count arms and legs and fingers and toes, view the pearl necklace of the backbone, etc...just to know that everything is OK. Though I have no idea how a druggie really feels, I think I feel like a druggie searching for my next hit--looking desperately for that next bit of reassurance that our baby is alive and well--feeling like after that next piece of good news, I'll be OK for a while...until it wears off, and I need to be reassured again.
It is so funny to me that after waiting for what seems like such a long time and thinking so much about this, I am one night away from knowing (probably) whether we'll have a son or a daughter! The time seemed to crawl, yet from this side of it, it seems to have flown. Isn't time the strangest thing?!
I don't remember wondering quite this intensely about whether Josiah and David were boys or girls before their ultrasounds. I admit freely that I simply may have forgotten how anxious I was about those ultrasounds, since memory does tend to fade after a while. :) But this time--wow!--what a ton of brain power has gone into this question!
Wouldn't it be hilarious if, after all this anticipation, the ultrasound tech was unable to get a good glimpse of certain parts of the baby...and the mystery remained until birth???
I realize that, scientifically, there's a 50/50 chance of having a girl. But in my mind, it actually seems more like a 99/1 chance! As I spend this last night pondering, I realize that I fully expect a boy...and feel like a girl would be nothing less than a miracle.
We shall see... :)
Oh, Davene! I'm excited for you!!! I can't wait to hear your news. :) My ultrasound is Friday...we're counting the days.
Being pregnant together is fun! :-)
I forgot to tell you how cute you look. :)
When I went in to get THE sonogram with Charis, Kate said it was the hardest one she's had in 17 years. (hardest as in being able to get the baby to cooperate) But she tilted the chair back, poked on my tummy, gave me sugar and water...and we did find out. So all that to say, that they WILL do everything in their power to make sure that you can get that long-awaited look. :)
Can't wait!!'re adorable by the way!!
It has been a while since I popped over to your blog. You look Great!!! Congrats on the addition of another boy. We are excited to be waiting for our third boy as well. He is due in 9 weeks. Hope you are enjoying your summer! Take Care,
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