Monday, April 28, 2008 Lisa

I recently received the last set of pictures from Lisa; and as soon as the CD came, I dropped everything and headed to the computer to look at them. Wow, was I ever thrilled!!! No big surprise there, of course...but I can hardly express what a treasure the pictures she took are to me.

Lisa was hard on herself and complained that none of the pictures of all 3 boys together turned out well. I disagree with her because, to me, they're still gorgeous. :)

I love how she focused on Josiah in the picture above...and on David in the picture below.

The brother relationship is such an interesting one to me, and I marvel sometimes as I see how these boys unfold in their interactions with each other. Yesterday and today for example, I've been so impressed by how tender Josiah has been toward his little brothers. David has been sick; and this morning when I was upstairs in the hallway, I noticed that Josiah had gone over to where David was lying on the little couch in the living room and was tenderly stroking his forehead and speaking softly and lovingly to him. I paused for a moment just to watch them and was reminded of what a tender heart Josiah has. Almost invariably, he softens around hurt things and shows such compassion for them. What a gift!


Beth said...

What beautiful pictures!!! I think they are amazing. What a beautiful family!

Elizabeth said...

Such adorable faces! They are so entrancing! Lisa did an excellent job!

Thanks for sharing Davene =)

Anonymous said...

What a precious gift to have such wonderful pictures.

We all hope our boys will be filled with love and compassion. You have obviously done so many things right with your boys. What a blessing they will be in a world filled with hurt and pain!