We'll miss them while they're gone, but I'm really glad they have this opportunity to get away and have some relaxing time (in between meetings and everything else). I don't know how they're going to survive in such a quiet environment though, without our noisy boys to liven up things! :)
In other news...Jeff had the privilege of preaching for the first time at our church this past Sunday. He did so well! That's such an understatement that I just have to shake my head when I read it. But how to express my thoughts and feelings about it? I guess what I can say is that God's Spirit seemed to be moving powerfully through Jeff and God's Word seemed to flow from his lips. I loved it!!! And I'm so proud of him!
In the picture below, he's enjoying some Daddy/Tobin snuggle time... :)
I know "everyone" says this, but isn't it a hoot to see what our children's vivid imaginations come up with???
Josiah news: my mother told me, after she spent a considerable amount of time with my boys last weekend while Jeff and I were at the marriage retreat, that she was really impressed by the way Josiah often looked out for David, helped him with things, and took care of him. Not that the weekend was without little squabbles, but she saw growth in Josiah in this area. I was so glad to hear that! It does amaze me how quickly Josiah often speaks up to offer to help David in some way.
David news: he's very interested in rhyming words, and can come up with some on his own. For example, he told me the other day that "walk" and "talk" rhyme. And this morning, the first thing on his mind after he woke up was that "sword" rhymes with "board." He's not even 3 years old yet! (Only 9 more days though...) :)
The other thing David is progressing in is potty training. I think I can say without exaggerating that I hate potty training. With both Josiah and David, I have felt wholly inadequate to teach them this skill--one of the reasons being, how do you teach something that you don't remember learning? True to my nature, I have a book about it, so I've read all about the various plans for potty training (training as an infant...training in a day...training with potty practice...blah blah blah). But I'm still surprised that Josiah is actually potty trained because how did I do it??? :) With this go-around involving David, I'm still completely unsure of how this is all going to work out. But today was such a good day in this area--the best so far! David was in underwear basically all day, and only had one significant accident (and one minor one). It was progress--genuine, we-might-actually-get-there-some-day progress. Whew! :)
Tobin news: he's an amazing sleeper. For about a month, he's been sleeping through the night sometimes, but wasn't perfectly consistent with it. But since about 11 weeks (and maybe earlier, but I didn't write it down so I don't remember!), he's slept through the night every night...and we're talking up to 10 hours of sleep. I'M SO GRATEFUL! Thank you, Babywise! (I know, I know...it's controversial...but it's contributed immeasurably to my sanity as a mom, and I haven't regretted using it for a minute. But, "to each his own," as my grandmother would say. Some families are comfortable using it and some aren't, so I'm not trying to start a war here, just expressing my personal gratitude!) :)
You should be very proud of the hard work you are putting into your boys. It is obvious to the outsiders looking in that you are a wonderful mother and teacher. It's so nice to hear the great things about having multiple children. I often hear comments like enjoy having one or are you sure you want to do this again. We all know it isn't an easy job, but you remind of how much of a blessed job it is.
I also miss Mum and Dad terribly when they go away -- I realised last time that I am essentially a 'part-time Mum', once I take into account all the time they take Boo for visits, and the dinners they cook ... and since Jumps works at home, he's in and out throughout the day, too. I take off my hat to mums who don't have family nearby -- it must be hard work.
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