Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hair Loss

This is what Tobin looked like yesterday. "Tobin bear, with the wild, wild hair..." is what I would chant to him while I changed his diaper.
Would you like another look at that fauxhawk from a different angle? (I didn't even know that word existed until Jeff started calling Tobin that!)
And Would you like to know what Grandma and Grandpa are crowding so eagerly into our small bathroom to see?
A haircut. Tobin's second haircut. Jeff had been lamenting about how bad Tobin's hair was looking recently, and it's true: it had been getting awfully patchy. Between the normal hair loss that infants often experience...and the hair loss from the friction of rubbing his head on his sheets...and the hair loss that must have resulted from him grabbing a big handful of hair and holding on with all his might (I found him like that today--left thumb in mouth, right hand holding his hair)...well, all of that contributed to the pathetic look he was sporting these days. But still... I wasn't eager for this little boy to grow up so fast.

When Jeff started cutting Tobin's hair, he said to me, "You're not going to cry, are you?" Well, yes, as a matter of fact, my eyes do feel a little moist. I'll just go upstairs and take a moment to compose myself! Of course, I didn't say that, because I couldn't speak at all at that point; but that's what I did.
Tobin with his new high-and-tight look.
He's still my adorable Tobin bear, but wow, he sure looks different to me. And when I rub his head, it feels so different, too. But I still think he's a handsome little guy!!!

It's hard though when my little one just took a step out of his babyhood, and my heartstrings got twanged in the process...


Unknown said...

He looks darling with that hair cut. My little boy refuses to have another cut -- and he's looking so scruffy!

Misty said...

he looks so different!! It's cute though, I like it!

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable. I love the new look.

Bless your heart for wanting to hang on to your baby. You have a very sweet spirit.

Christin said...

He does look so different! And is it just me or does his hair look a lot lighter now?

Foxy5 said...

Awwww, he's so cute! I think the haircut is adorable. It makes you pay more attention to his face instead of the mohawk. :)
I waited until my boys were a year old to cut their hair and after I did I wondered "why did I wait so long?" they looked so much better with it cut. It's hard to let go sometimes!

Carl8ta said...

I so enjoy reading your posts and keeping up with your family! - I hope you don't mind - I sent your link to my mom so that she could keep up too!

Davene said...

Christin, I think you're right; his hair does look lighter now.

Val, I totally agree that the haircut emphasizes his face more now, rather than just the crazy hair.

Carla, I'm honored you sent the link to your mom! When is she going to get herself a blog? ;)

Julie said...

Awwww....he looks so cute. My babies are so bald that it takes them almost 2 years to grow enough hair for a haircut (if they are a boy, that is). It's always a big milestone...and I'm sure I wait way too long. Tobin is a cutie!