Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yikes! I'm Tagged!

Now what do I do?

It's a good thing Crystal included the rules on her blog because otherwise I'd be clueless. Despite my love of blogging, there are many things in the world of blogging of which I am ignorant!

So, the rules:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

And things about me:

1. I've never tasted beer. In my growing-up years, prohibition was practiced pretty forcefully around here. :) As an adult, I've simply never had a desire to have a sip of that (vile) liquid! :) OK, to be fair, I've got plenty of friends who drink a beer every now and then...and I know the Bible doesn't condemn drinking, only being drunk...and I've heard that you can't really enjoy a fish taco in one hand without a beer in the other. But since I'm not a fan of fish tacos, I don't think I'll be enticed to drink beer. Besides, this random fact comes in handy when playing silly games like this one! :) But for the record, I'm not criticizing anyone who has tasted beer. Is that enough hand-holding to make sure no one is offended? :)

2. Camels are my favorite animal. They're so unique and interesting...they've been invaluable in the Middle East for thousands of years...and I have great memories of a "real" camel ride I took during my first full day in Israel, 13 years ago (not like the "here, hop on this camel, you silly tourist, and we'll take your picture" set-up you see all over the place in Jerusalem).

3. If I could have any pet, it would be a collie. We had one once, when I was young. His name was Bucko, and we all loved him. And then he got hit in the road and died. That was a sad day. But someday--maybe--I'll have another collie.

4. I've thrown up in a movie theater. The place: California. My companion: Jeff (and fortunately, no one else I knew). The offending food: pizza. The feeling: supreme embarrassment. Enough said about that! :)

5. If I could take a vacation anywhere in the world, it would be Ireland. Of course, I would love to go back to Israel--always--but Ireland is another place I've always wanted to go because my ancestors on my mom's side are Irish.

6. I've never colored my hair. Although, if I don't want to be obviously gray at 32, I just might have to start! Early graying is in my genes from my mother's family, so what's a lady to do? :)

7. I hate being tickled. Despise it. Absolutely can't stand it. If for no other reason, I would love Jeff passionately because he has honored this quirk of mine and has never tickled me. He's a good man! :)

OK, well, I got that out of the way. Let's see...what do I do now? Oh, yeah, tag other people.

You know what? I'm such a rebel that I'm gonna break the rules and only tag 3 people. I know, I know, I'm breaking the chain. Call me a spoilsport...tell me all kinds of unlucky things will happen to me...but I'm only going to tag 3, and you can't change my mind! :)

So here they are:
1. Morning
2. Mrs. Bonnie
3. Elizabeth


Carl8ta said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - I have enjoyed cathing up on your family!!

ps- I've been to Ireland 2x (First time with a friend, where we both said when we got married we wanted to come back with our husbands) The 2nd time we went, it was WITH our husbands! *neat little answer to prayer* It is beautiful and relaxing and such a neat place to go - I would go for a 3rd time!

Crystal said...

Davene, you rebel, you - only choosing 3. ;) I was afraid the blog police would show up at my door if I didn't follow the rules.

My hubby remembers Bucko. And I wish I could say I've never colored my hair, but that would just be a lie. I have lots & lots of gray hiding under this recent layer of Natural Instincts. :)

Christin said...

I love learning new things about you!!!! Though I'm sorry to hear about that theatre mishap. So so sorry!

pyrotechny said...

This was fun! I would have tagged you if Crystal hadn't already (she took most of mine!) WE had a collie too, and I have many fond memories...all boys need a dog, Davene, and you need to get one soon, if you don't already. We got a German Shepherd mix from a M farm out your way a few years ago..boys NEED dogs. (smile)

Yes,(~sigh~) I gave up on the haircolor thing this year,and I can quote you the scriptures about gray hair, but finally I did it.(almost made it through the 30's !) LOL!

Davene said...

Julie, we do have a dog...a black and white mutt named Molly. I love her, but have to admit that she comes way down on my priority list as far as spending time with her. I'm looking forward to when the boys are older and can do more with her. When we got her, Josiah was still 3 years old and was initially a little scared of her; but she's settled down and he's gotten bigger, so hopefully this summer will be more fun for them together! :)