Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Conclusion of the Matter

Josiah's birthday celebration officially concluded last evening when we had some friends over for our regular every-other-Friday potluck and Bible study. It turned out to be a smaller group than we normally have since two families were away--a smaller group, an older group, a quieter group! Nevertheless we had a great time together, as always. In honor of the occasion, Josiah got to use the Celebrate plate, we had birthday cake (chocolate cake, chocolate icing, sprinkles on top, a "5" birthday candle, plus 4 other twisty candles...just the way Josiah requested!) and sang to him, he received some nice cards and gifts, and he got to choose all of the songs that we sang together. His selections: Only a Boy Named David/Only a Boy Named Josiah...Walking on Heaven's Road...The B-I-B-L-E...Psalm 131...and Halelu, Halelu. What a joy to see him participate in worship so freely!

~ one special guest was my Great-aunt Lorraine who was able to visit us in our home for the first time
~ what a big boy! what a treasure!

1 comment:

New Mom said...

That cake looks so delicious! Wish I were there to share!