Thursday, June 28, 2007

David & Smoky

Our neighbors have a new kitten named Smoky--the cutest little gray ball of fur! This morning we walked over to their house to chat a minute, and Smoky followed us home and hung around here most of the rest of the day. David had a blast playing with Smoky! In general, David is a fearless little guy; and I'm sure as he grows he'll have his fair share of bumps and bruises and scrapes and possibly even broken bones. The funny thing to me is that I tend to be pretty relaxed about him, even though I know he's likely to get hurt.* But my mom! Oh my, she's so "concerned" about him sometimes. I can tell she's just biting her tongue nearly to pieces to avoid saying too much. Just wanted you to know, Mother, that I've noticed your great restraint--and I appreciate it very much!!! :)

*Obviously, if I see him doing anything dangerous, I put a quick stop to it. But as far as trying to protect him from every little situation in which he could take a tumble, I don't do it. I don't think it's necessary or wise to always be saying, "No, David, don't touch the kitty; he might scratch you," or "No, David, don't do somersaults on your bed; you might fall off," or "No, David, don't bounce on the couch that way; you might bounce onto the floor," etc. And my own dear mother let us do some mildly dangerous jumping off our high swings while they were still in motion. :) As always, it's a balance--trying to protect my children without being over-protective.


Christin said...

I completely understand! My girls are getting more and more daring. I've had to bite MY tongue on many occasions...I don't want to breed fear in them. But man, if it isn't hard sometimes to just remain quiet as a parent!

Julie said...

That IS a challenge! It is important for them to experience little bits of "danger" or "risk", so that they can learn consequences in a safe setting. (Like getting scratched playing with a kitten).

David is so cute with that kitten!!!! He is growing up much!