Tuesday, April 10, 2007

If You Love Me, Let Me Feed Your Fish--Slowly

Feeding our fish is usually Josiah's job. But today, for the very first time, David did it!!! He enjoyed it so much and did a great job, despite the fact that it took him FOREVER to pick up each little ball of food individually and carefully--slowly--drop it in the tank. He savored the process, and I bit my tongue and tried to learn a lesson in patience.

Sometimes I talk with Josiah about the process of growing up and how, as he gets older, he will have new jobs to do and his old jobs will be passed down to David. Whenever we have those conversations, it usually seems somewhat hypothetical and too far in the future to really comprehend. Sometimes these days of early childhood seem to stretch on and on indefinitely in my mind. But today I was reminded that time is passing quickly, and this transfer of responsibility from my older son to my younger one will truly happen--and sooner than I expect. My little one reminded me again to savor the process, just like him.

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