Friday, June 8, 2007

This Is MY Blog

Well, of course it is. That's rather obvious. But here's what I mean...

I've spent a good bit of time tonight catching up on other people's blogs that I follow, and it has been such fun!!! Some of the blogs are written by people I know, and some by people that I don't know. But from each one, I glean a bit of insight, encouragement, laughter, wisdom, or something that keeps me coming back for more.

However, being human, I can start to compare my blog to others. Thoughts like this can wander through my mind...
~ Wow, that lady sews and bakes and homeschools and exercises and makes her home look like a million dollars and takes care of 5 kids. The clothes and quilts, etc. that she makes are amazing. I can't do anything like that! I've really got to try harder to be domestic.
~ The pictures on this blog are incredible. My attempts at photography are nothing compared to those. I've got to do better.
~ I love the way this blogger writes! She should write a book! I wish I could write like that and express my thoughts so originally.
And on it goes...

So tonight I'm reminding myself of several things.
1. This is my blog, written by me. I don't have to compare any part of it to anyone else's. God created me as a unique individual, and apparently the sewing gene was not included in my package...but God still loves me, and I don't have to fit the mold of "perfect woman."
2. The main reason I started this blog was for myself. Not to be selfish, but really, I wanted a place to record my thoughts...and 10 or 20 years from now, I'll be the one to look back on it and care about it (well, hopefully my family will treasure it, too!). My primary goal was never to write for the masses or impress the whole world with how wonderful I am.

Isn't it incredible how quickly competitive thoughts enter our minds, no matter what arena of life we're dealing with???


Julie said...

Davene, Davene, Davene...don't compare what you see as your "weaknesses" with other people's "strengths"...I know you know this, but I'm just giving you a friendly reminder.

Let's see...I read your blog and get great book reviews and see wonderful mommy-stuff going on and projects completed and deep thoughts pondered, and I do the SAME THING!!! I think, "If only I were as nurturing, creative, well-read, motivated, country, fun, sunny, Davene."

I'm so encouraged every time I stop by your blog, but we MUST be careful not to let those seeds take root! You know what they are...the virtuous woman = perfect at everything she sees on every other blog seeds. Or the "I'd only be more godly if my bread were gluten-free and made by me" (hahaha...just thought of that one!).

Seriously, one of my BIGGEST hang-ups about starting a blog is that I did NOT want to portray a "look at how perfect everything is" cyber-life. I started it to stay close to my sisters and other daughters of the King, so let's make a pact right now to take captive those UNTRUE thoughts and toss them into the compost pile!!! I'm REALLY off. Love ya!!!

Christin said...

Crazy how hard on ourselves we can be, isn't it? Ironic thing is that NO ONE else would even dare OR care to judge us that critically. They're all too busy staring into their own "woulda shoulda coulda" mirrors.
But truth be told...I've known you for MANY a year, right?...and there have been times that I've thought, "if only I could be like Davene in this way..." Betcha never knew that, huh?
Bottom line: Everyone can look at someone else and think that. Because we're all... well, stupid. :D Stupid enough to let ourselves believe that we're less than what God says we are. Let's just promise to keep each other accountable to remain on the outskirts of stupidity. 'kay? *grin/wink*
I love YOU. and YOUR blogs.

Davene said...

Thanks to both of you for your reminders. I take your words to heart, and appreciate both your wisdom and example. I'm so grateful that you're in my life!!!